Sunday, December 2, 2012

Robert Zemeckis Is Ready for Roger Rabbit 2 Whenever Disney Is

Roger Rabbit artMTV recently caught up with filmmaker Robert Zemeckis, and by the time the conversation ended we had an update on the status of the oft-discussed Roger Rabbit sequel. Seems things could come together sooner rather than later.

The music and entertainment site began by asking the filmmaker about releasing 3D versions of his much-loved Back to the Future films. Zemeckis quickly shot this down, saying he ?didn?t see a point in that [converting them to 3D].? He did, however, add that he had seen test footage of a 3D version of Roger Rabbit from a few years back and would be happy to rerelease that one.

From there, he finally gets around to talking about the long-awaited sequel.

?I'm happy with the script. It's very good. It's written by the original writers, and it's good, [But Disney] is still thinking about it. If I were to do the sequel, it would be done just like the first one. It would look the same way, but we would present it in 3D in its release. I would do all of the animation hand-drawn; 2D, but using 3D tools. It wouldn't be like Pixar 3D. It wouldn't look like that."

The Pixar bit is interesting. As much as we love Pixar?s films, we do occasionally find ourselves longing for a time when animated features didn?t look so similar. Pretty much everything animated coming out these days tends to look the same ? so seeing a return to the style of the original Roger Rabbit would be a nice change of pace at least.

What do you guys think? Is there still enough interest to get a Roger Rabbit sequel up and running or has too much time passed since the original?s debut? Weigh in below and then check out a full clip of the interview.?


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