Thursday, December 6, 2012

Report: Restaurant industry will continue to look for qualified talent ...

According to a new report, it appears as if graduates of cooking schools and those with food and beverage management training and other culinary skills are in high demand in the restaurant industry as business begins to rebound from the economic downturn.

The People Report Workforce Index found that in general employment has been slowly on the rise in the U.S. during the past quarter, with the food service industry adding more than 70,800 jobs during the past three months. However, the report also indicates that the increase in human resource means recruiters and hiring managers will face increased retention and hiring pressures through the end of the year.

"From a perspective of trying to staff a restaurant and obtain the highest tier of talent, it is getting harder," Michael Harms, a senior business analyst at People Report, noted in a press release. "If there was any lingering doubt, this shows the situation from three years ago is gone."

The report also found that most restaurant operators expected higher year-end sales due to the larger holiday spending season.

Food service? managers are responsible for the daily operation of restaurants and other places where food is served. Managers help ensure that all customers are happy with their dining experience.


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