Tuesday, November 20, 2012

How To Make Money With Video Marketing | Business 2 Community

Did you know video is outpacing most other forms of online advertising every year? As people Video Marketingcontinue to get most of their information from the Internet, video is only ready to continue to grow as businesses push for a higher focus on their online presence. Did you also know that you can make quite a bit of money with online video, too? There are several ways you can make money off of video, not just through capturing new leads who have the potential of becoming paying customers?there?s even direct monetization methods that any business can take advantage of!

Going beyond YouTube

Most people know that one way to make a profit off of video online is to have a wildly successful video or channel on YouTube, and just have Google ads on your video. And for some people, that is enough. But, there are ways beyond YouTube which can be even more successful in the long run. What are other ways, you ask?

  • Providing a link to a website with more monetizing avenues at the end of your video is another very popular way to make money with online videos. Having all of your videos link to one another as well as to your website is the perfect way to boost up your SEO and make sure that your leads are being even more engaged beyond a video on YouTube.
  • Video marketing doesn?t just have to be all about blasting your brand all over YouTube, there are tons of other alternatives out there that you need to have a presence on as well for the best exposure. Vimeo, Meta Cafe, Daily Motion, and even Blip are all high-traffic alternatives to consider when planning out your online video marketing.
  • Adding ?apps? to your videos can help boost not only engagement, but also turn viewers into leads. Did you know that calls-to-action don?t have to only be for blogs and written content? They can be embedded on your videos, too. So can customizable branding to give you that professionally competitive edge.
  • Don?t forget to have your very own video player for your videos when users land on your website directly! All of your channels elsewhere can be linked to this video player, too.

It?s more than just viral videoscreating videos
When most professionals think of video marketing, they usually just assume that means putting together a video that will hopefully go viral and bring in a huge surge of non-targeted traffic. But, video has become a lot more sophisticated and can be highly targeted to boot. Yes, viral videos have their place and can bring in money, but, it?s normally short-lived and a one-time shot. With deep analytics in place and enough research, your videos can bring in consistent traffic that gets you paid.

Like mentioned earlier, videos now have the ability to have calls-to-action, analytics, and other customized widgets that are unique to your business. Run a local hotel? No problem, your viewers can check out available rooms right in your video player while watching your videos. Or, if you run a restaurant, let your viewers check out the current daily specials with a map to your location without having to pop-up another tab or window in their browser.

It?s time to think beyond the stray viral video and start empowering your video with the help of in-video apps and brand customization. Sure, YouTube is great for creating videos of cats, but it?s time to get down to business with your videos and bring in some serious revenue.

What other methods do you use to monetize your video marketing?

Author: Becky Stefansky????

Becky Stefansky is the the Director of Client Services and Marketing Manager for Viewbix. ?Aside from her love of video, she is addicted to all things news, celebrity and Tom Brady related.

Becky is also dedicated to helping you make the most out of Viewbix ? no matter what your goal? View?full?profile

Source: http://www.business2community.com/online-marketing/how-to-make-money-with-video-marketing-0336174

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