Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How did you get your job(s)? - Straight Dope Message Board

In Europe, I got one of the highest (if not the highest) paying jobs as an ESL instructor due to porn.
Yep. Porn.
I was teaching at a private school and realized many of my adult students would then go to the US or UK or wherever and not understand the "bad words". One ex-student told me he was embarrassed after a meeting, sitting at a hotel bar in the US, and one of the clients told a dirty joke he didn't understand and they had to explain it to him! So I created a cheat sheet for students' last day of English class with all of the words you don't say in polite society - variations of fuck, cock, cunt...yep, all the stuff your mother never told you to say in public. I told students this was an optional class, and all of the bad, pornographic words and phases in English. Every student ALWAYS showed up for this class. This class got to be quite popular, but the other teachers were afraid to teach it, so often they would ask me to teach it to their final class session.
One day I was asked by a teacher to give this "porn lesson" to her group of German businessmen. They found it quite enlightening.
Fast forward about 2-3 months and I get a phone call at home. It was from the head honcho in West Germany who said, "One of my employees gave me a copy of your cheat sheet for the porn lesson. Did you create this and teach it?"
I thought for sure I was now going to be fired when he called my boss at the school, but fessed up and said, "Yes."
He said, "Anyone who has the guts to teach this is someone we are looking for. Would you like to fly to Frankfurt for an interview? We have a new job opening up."
I went and got the job.

After a few years there, I lost that job (along with the other teachers) for stupid reasons, but got the word at about 11:00 AM on a Tuesday. I went out and bought the Herald Tribune and had coffee, trying to figure out what to do next. Saw a small ad for a teacher needed at a Swiss boarding school. Went home and called. I was put on hold for a very long time (and price of the call wasn't cheap) and was just about to hang up when the director got on the phone. We had a ten minute interview and he hired me over the phone. I went to work for that school for seven summers in a row and it was one of the best jobs I ever had. Went from teacher to Director of Education.

Got my job at the film studio in LA by working through a temp agency. They sent me to one area where the boss was a pain in the ass (they warned me) and had fired every temp for the past few months. Within two days, I had cleared his desk of all late work and created a simple data base for him. By the end of the week, he offered me a full time position in their legal department and I was there for many years.

Similar stories for almost every other job I have ever gotten...I guess what I am saying is I have a slight knack for getting a foot in the door and either coming up with some new idea(s), or at least exceeding what they expected me to do.

Last edited by DMark; Today at 12:04 PM.

Source: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=672065

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