Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Cancer Risk: Prolonged Sitting and Sedentary Lifestyle

An overly sedentary lifestyle is a health risk. New research shows that the longer people sit, the greater their risk for colon and breast cancer.

There are many known risk factors that contribute to an increased likelihood of one developing some form of cancer. New research has discovered a new risk factor that had not previously been known. Periods of prolonged sitting have now been linked to a potential risk for developing cancer, especially breast or colon cancer.

Common Causes of Cancer

Doctors and medical researchers don?t precisely know why some people develop cancer while others do not. However, they do know that there are some common risk factors that have long been associated with a potential for developing some form of cancer. The most common risk factors include aging, tobacco use, too much sun exposure, certain chemicals, certain viruses, too much alcohol use, a poor diet or lack of physical activity, obesity, certain hormones, and a family history of cancer.

Sedentary Lifestyle

Being sedentary, or not getting the much-recommended physical exercise on a daily basis, has long been linked with an increase in inflammation and other indicators that can contribute to an increased risk for chronic diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Those who maintain a more physically active lifestyle and get regular exercise on a daily basis increase their chances of staying healthier than those with sedentary lifestyles. Regular physical exercise may even decrease the risk for developing cancer.

Link between Prolonged Sitting and Increased Cancer Risk

According to Nancy Hellmich?s article, ?Prolonged Sitting Linked to Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer?, an analysis done by the American Institute for Cancer Research has determined that periods of prolonged sitting and a tendency to physical inactivity may have contributed to more than 90,000 new cancer cases a year in the United States. Rachel Rettner?s article in the Scientific American cites 173,00 cancer cases as being possibly attributed to inactivity and prolonged sitting.

The analysis cites approximately 49,000 cases of breast cancer and 43,000 of colon cancer. An overly sedentary lifestyle, including prolonged periods of sitting, may have contributed to these cases of breast and colon cancer. Though, according to research, breast and colon cancer appear to be the cancers most influenced by physical inactivity and prolonged sitting, Rettner?s article also claims that approximately 37,200 cases of lung cancer, 30,600 cases of prostate cancer, 12,000 cases of endometrial cancer, and 1,800 cases of ovarian cancer could be prevented by being more physically active on a regular basis.

The research shows that periods of prolonged sitting can increase breast and colon cancer risks even for those who are active the rest of the day. According to Rettner?s article, there is more to physical activity than merely working out on a treadmill. The research shows that regular physical exercise or walking and using the treadmill is important to good health, but even people who exercise the recommended 30 minutes a day are really only active for 3 percent of their day. It is recommended that people take small breaks from sitting during the day in order to fill the remaining 97 percent of the day with short periods of activity that can reduce cancer risk.

In conclusion, the research shows that one or two-minute breaks from sitting can reduce levels of molecules in the body that are linked with increased risk for cancer, particularly breast and colon cancer.


USA Nancy Hellmich, ?Prolonged Sitting Linked to Breast Cancer, Colon Cancer? (accessed 4/16/12)

Scientific Rachel Retner, ?Prolonged Sitting Linked to Breast and Colon Cancers? (accessed 4/16/12) ?Is Sitting Too Long a Major Cancer Risk?? (accessed 4/16/12)

National Cancer Institute: ?What You Need to Know About Cancer? (accessed 4/17/12)


The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and should not be used for diagnosis or to guide treatment without the opinion of a health professional. Any reader who is concerned about his or her health should contact a doctor for advice.

Copyright Melissa Ridenour. Contact the author to obtain permission for republication.


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