Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Monti sees light in euro tunnel, but ECB hopes dim

ROME/FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti said on Tuesday that Europe was starting to see light at the end of the tunnel of the euro zone's sovereign debt crisis, belying a welter of deteriorating economic data.

As euro-zone unemployment hit a euro-era high and Spanish data showed capital fleeing its banks and retail sales falling again, Monti's optimism was at odds with sentiment in markets, which are losing hope of swift intervention by the European Central Bank to address the region's problems.

Monti has campaigned for concerted action by the euro zone's rescue funds and the ECB to bring down ruinous borrowing costs that threaten to force Spain and Italy, the currency bloc's third and fourth largest economies, out of credit markets.

"It is a tunnel but ... some light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. We and the rest of Europe are approaching the end of the tunnel," the Italian leader told RAI public radio before flying to Paris to meet French President Francois Hollande.

Monti said decisions taken at last month's EU summit were starting to bear fruit.

"We are now seeing the results both in the willingness of European institutions as well as from the governments of individual countries, including Germany," he said.

ECB President Mario Draghi said last week the central bank would do whatever it takes within its mandate to preserve the euro, raising investors' expectations of a resumption of a long-suspended government bond-buying program.

However, there has been no public sign that Germany, the euro zone's biggest economy and main paymaster, sees the need for urgent action.

"Today will probably be a quiet last day of the month. Everybody is waiting for Thursday to see if Draghi can deliver," said Lex van Dam, hedge fund manager at Hampstead Capital, which manages $500 million of assets.

"He'd better pull a big rabbit out of his hat."

But central bank sources cautioned against expecting dramatic action at the monthly meeting of the ECB's policy-setting Governing Council, saying bold moves could be at least five weeks away because other elements must first fall into place.

They said Spain would first have to formally request a euro zone assistance program, which it has so far resisted doing, and euro zone governments would have to agree to use their rescue funds to buy bonds in tandem with the ECB.


Monti, who will also visit Finland and Spain, said he hoped his meeting with Hollande would accelerate moves to strengthen the euro and spur growth.

He also said he was confident Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy would be able to tackle the country's problems.

The scale of Rajoy's challenge was highlighted on Tuesday when figures showed that capital flight from Spain accelerated in May, the month when Madrid was forced to nationalize the fourth biggest lender, Bankia , and before euro zone countries agreed to help bail out Spanish banks.

Net outflows, excluding central bank operations, rose to 41.3 billion euros in May from 26.6 billion euros in April, the Bank of Spain said. Capital outflows in the first five months of this year totaled 163.2 billion euros - equivalent to about 16 percent of economic output. The same period last year saw a net inflow of 14.6 billion euros.

Spanish retail sales fell by 5.2 percent year-on-year on a calendar-adjusted basis in June, separate data showed, marking a 24th straight month of declines.

Spain also holds the region's highest unemployment rate in the bloc at 24.8 percent. Eurostat, the EU statistics office, said another 123,000 people were out of work in the euro zone in June, putting the overall unemployment rate at 11.2 percent of the working population, a new euro-era high.

Near-bankrupt Greece meanwhile reported that it is fast running out of cash as it awaits the next installment of aid from international lenders.

Deputy Finance Minister Christos Staikouras said that in the absence of 3.2 billion euros needed to repay an ECB bond on August 20, Athens would lack the money to pay everyday public expenses ranging from police and other public service wages to pensions and welfare benefits.

"Cash reserves are almost zero," he told state NET television. "it is risk to say until when (they will last) ... but we are certainly on the brink."


Speaking to reporters in London on Monday evening, Hollande voiced support for Monti's campaign to persuade euro zone leaders and institutions to act to reduce Italian and Spanish borrowing costs.

"European solidarity is of course about laying down discipline, but it's also about allowing countries that made hard choices to be rewarded with lower interest rates," Hollande said during a visit to the Olympic Games. "That's what Mr. Monti will repeat to me, and I will give him my support."

The French leader said courageous leaders such as Monti could only retain public confidence if they were able to show that sacrifices were rewarded by the markets.

"If countries undertake austerity measures and still have very high interest rates, how can they win the trust of their people?" he said.

Monti spoke by telephone with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who is holidaying in northern Italy, during the weekend.

Berlin agreed in principle at an EU summit in June that the euro zone rescue funds could buy bonds of countries that risk losing access to capital markets, but was angered when Monti said such support would not entail any stricter economic conditions or international monitoring.

There has also been renewed pressure from France, Italy and some central bankers to give the euro zone's future permanent rescue fund a banking license so it can borrow money from the central bank to fight bond market contagion.

The Sueddeutsche Zeitung said supporters of the idea were gaining ground in the euro zone, but central bank sources told Reuters a legal opinion commissioned by the ECB had concluded such a move would breach an EU treaty ban on monetary financing of governments. Germany and its central bank, the Bundesbank, have rejected the idea.

But a euro zone official told Reuters last week that Berlin may be softening its opposition.

Safe-haven German government bonds rallied on Tuesday and a fall in Italian and Spanish yields halted as skepticism over the prospect of bold ECB action set in.

Investors remain concerned about Spain's ability to fund itself because of a prolonged recession, the cost of cleaning up its banks and worries over the finances of its autonomous regions.

In Italy's case, market support for Monti's economic reforms and fiscal discipline is tempered by political uncertainty over the way forward after a general election next year, when his technocratic government's term expires.

Some investors see the risk of a comeback by former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi as a tunnel at the end of the light.

(Additional reporting by Paul Day and Jesus Aguado in Madrid, Tatiana Fragou in Athens, Emilia Sithole-Matarise and Olivier Guillemain in London, Catherine Bremer in Paris; Writing by Paul Taylor; Editing by Will Waterman)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/euro-zone-inflation-muted-joblessness-hits-high-091521978--business.html

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Stock indexes drift lower, ending a two-day rally

FILE - In a Thursday, July 26, 2012 photo, traders gather at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange during the IPO of Northern Tier Energy. U.S. stocks crept higher in early trading Monday, July 30, 2012 on Wall Street following big gains last week. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

FILE - In a Thursday, July 26, 2012 photo, traders gather at a post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange during the IPO of Northern Tier Energy. U.S. stocks crept higher in early trading Monday, July 30, 2012 on Wall Street following big gains last week. (AP Photo/Richard Drew, File)

(AP) ? A two-day rally that sent stocks soaring last week fizzled out Monday.

European leaders vowed Thursday and Friday to keep the continent's monetary union intact, and investors sent stock markets shooting higher. But stocks were little changed Monday as investors waited to see if they would back up their words with action.

The Dow Jones industrial average sank 2.65 points to close at 13,073.01. JPMorgan Chase led the Dow lower, falling 2 percent to $36.14.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner met separately with Germany's finance minister and the head of the European Central Bank, Mario Draghi, on Monday. Draghi's pledge to do whatever was needed to protect the euro set off a market rally last week. The Dow rose back above 13,000 for the first time since May and is now up 1.5 percent for the month.

Hopes are high that Draghi will announce plans to support the euro when the central bank meets Thursday, said David Brown, the CEO and chief market strategist at the research firm Sabrient.

"I think that's the big story this week," Brown said. "The market has really responded to his bold statement. I hope the ECB takes action. If they don't do anything, it's not going to be pretty."

Investors are also looking toward the Federal Reserve's meeting this week. Many in the financial markets believe the Fed will take new steps to stimulate the economy in coming months. The Fed will release its statement on interest rate policy Wednesday afternoon.

Besides the Fed statement and the ECB meeting, another potentially market-moving event comes up Friday, when the U.S. Labor Department releases its monthly employment survey. Economists expect that the unemployment rate will remain at 8.2 percent.

In other Monday trading, the broader Standard & Poor's 500 index fell 0.67 of a point to 1,385.30, while the Nasdaq dropped 12.25 points to 2,945.84.

The indexes had been creeping higher early in the day, then reversed course soon after a regional manufacturing report came in much weaker than analysts had expected. A survey of manufacturing by the Dallas branch of the Federal Reserve showed a steep drop in July. Economists had forecast a modest gain.

Two corporate deals announced early Monday pushed some stocks higher. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. agreed to buy Shaw Group for $3 billion in cash and stock. Shaw jumped $14.80, or 55 percent, to $41.49.

Medical and industrial equipment maker Roper Industries said it plans to buy hospital software company Sunquest Information Systems for $1.42 billion. Roper also raised its earnings estimate for the year, a result of the pending merger and a stronger dollar. Roper gained 1 percent to $99.64. Sunquest is privately owned.

History suggests the stock market could head higher in the coming months, said Sam Stovall, chief equity strategist at S&P Capital IQ. Stocks usually hit their annual peak in the second half of the year. But Stovall said economic reports and earnings estimates "point to a more challenging period ahead."

Of the 294 companies in the S&P 500 that have reported earnings so far, 195 have surpassed analysts' expectations. But the bar was set low. Analysts now expect quarterly profits will sink 0.25 percent and revenue will rise just 1.9 percent compared with the year before, according to S&P Capital IQ. That would be the worst earnings season since the summer quarter of 2009.

Among other stocks making big moves:

? Supermarket operator Supervalu rose 13 percent, or 25 cents, to $2.24 after the company announced that it would oust its CEO. Earlier this month, the Minneapolis company reported weaker sales and profits and suspended its dividend. Supervalu also said it may put itself up for sale.

? Loews Corp. sank 5 percent after reporting that its net income plunged 78 percent in the second quarter. The holding company, controlled by New York's Tisch family, took a hit as falling energy prices lowered the value of its oil and gas properties. The company runs Diamond Offshore Drilling Inc., HighMount Exploration & Production and Loews Hotels. Its stock lost $2.16 to $39.54.

? Suntech Power Holdings plunged 15 percent. The Chinese solar company said it may be the victim of a massive fraud. Suntech dropped 23 cents to $1.34. The solar company's stock has lost 82 percent of its market value over the past year.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-07-30-Wall%20Street/id-8c63bc7c6143464e996768ab18e0fba3

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Apple And Google Battling On Kodak Patents

Another patent dispute has been raised between Apple and Google. According to a Tweet from Wall Street Journal editor Dennis Berman, iDevice technology discoverer Apple and search giant Google have been named as perspective customers of Kodak's upcoming patent sell-off that is expected to come in August. The Tweet mentioned that both companies were front-runners in the patent bidding battle.

Apple and Google Kodak patent, Image credit: twitter.com

At this moment, the details about the patent bidding battle are not mentioned. Currently, Kodak is looking to sell off some parts of its huge patent collection such as IP in the ?digital-capture? portfolio as part of terms attached to a granted loan for keeping the company a-going during corporate restructuring. The patent could turn out to be an engrossing war.

Source: Appleinsider

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Source: http://feeds.thetechjournal.com/~r/TheTechJournal/~3/65ohxY8v3Gg/apple-and-google-battling-on-kodak-patents.xhtml

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Russell Wallace; Survivor turned CEO | Internet and Email Marketing ...

Russell Wallace is the CEO and founder of the Irvine based SEO company, 29 Prime.

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Friday, July 27, 2012

Generics knock AstraZeneca Q2 earnings by 24 pct

LONDON (AP) ? Pharmaceutical maker AstraZeneca PLC says its net profit fell by 24 percent in the second quarter compared to a year ago as the company lost exclusivity on some of its leading products.

AstraZeneca said Thursday that its net profit for the period was $1.6 billion, down from $2.1 billion a year earlier. Revenue was down 21 percent to $6.66 billion.

The company said the loss of exclusivity accounted for 15 percentage points of the revenue drop. In the United States, the loss of exclusivity on Seroquel IR for bipolar disorder accounted for 80 percent of the fall in revenue.

AstraZeneca shares were down 1.3 percent at 2,871 pence in morning trading in London.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/generics-knock-astrazeneca-q2-earnings-24-pct-101201017--finance.html

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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Locked-out NY power workers charge utility with safety risks

(Reuters) - Locked-out New York power workers charged on Wednesday that the safety of the electricity system in America's largest city was being compromised by managers and substitute crews brought in to do emergency maintenance work.

Consolidated Edison denied the accusation, saying the city had survived heat of over 100 degrees F (38 degrees Celsius) this month without major loss of electricity.

"We are responding to emergencies, the lights are on," John Miksad, ConEd's Senior Vice President of Electric Operations told a joint committee of the New York State Assembly.

"The stock market is open, the subways are running and hospitals are performing their critical functions," he said. "It's summer in the city and air conditioners are humming. New York City is open for business."

Miksad said the company bore a responsibility to the city of over 8 million people, "that we are continuing to meet even under the present circumstances."

The Utilities Workers Union of America (UWUA) called for the hearing of the Assembly's energy and labor committees, saying health and safety were at risk since the company locked out 8,000 workers on July 1 when labor contract talks broke down.

ConEd has trained managers to carry out essential maintenance work on the system and has also brought in non-union workers from other states. There have been some isolated incidents in which managers have been burned doing emergency repairs.

"We submitted photographs into evidence showing managers not wearing the required safety equipment," said union spokesman John Melia. "ConEd has an untrained workforce doing our jobs and that is resulting in unsafe conditions."

Two weeks ago, the union called on state regulators to order ConEd to end its lockout, charging the company was violating regulatory obligations to provide a safe and reliable service.

The New York State Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates power companies in the state, is reviewing its options after hearing from both sides.

Asked what the Assembly could do, the union's Melia said it might take legislative action or call on the PSC to intervene.

ConEd's Miksad said there were three heat waves in July and last Wednesday set a peak electricity delivery record for 2012.

"Severe thunderstorms, hail, and winds in excess of 50 miles an hour broke last week's heat, but caused thousands to lose power," he said. "In less than 24 hours, we had everyone's power restored."

Meanwhile, negotiators for both sides sat down for talks on Wednesday. A major sticking point, besides wages and health care costs, has been ConEd's move to phase out defined pensions.

Miksad did not detail the talks during his testimony to the Assembly hearing, but said the dispute could be settled quickly if the union agreed to give notice of a strike.

"A simple signature by union leaders, agreeing to a 72-hour notice before calling a strike, is the only thing that stands between getting 8,000 people off picket lines and back on the job," he said.

(Reporting By Steve James; Editing by David Gregorio)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/locked-ny-power-workers-charge-utility-safety-risks-195648626--finance.html

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

South African stocks inch higher, track global markets

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - South African stocks ended slightly higher on Wednesday on fresh hopes for a solution to the euro zone debt crisis, although gains were limited by nagging concerns about the global economy and a downbeat start on Wall Street.

The benchmark JSE Top-40 index added 0.14 percent to 29,911.58 and the broader All-share index gained 0.21 percent to 34,069.59.

"Economic data from Europe is not encouraging but some of these stocks have been hit hard in recent days and that has opened up an opportunity for bargain hunting," Kevin Algeo, a trader at Imara SP Reid said.

Equities worldwide gained some ground after a European Central Bank official raised the prospect of new steps to strengthen the euro zone's new bailout fund. But weak economic data from Germany and Britain capped further gains.

Truworths, South Africa's biggest listed clothes retailer, was the top performer of the blue-chip index, adding 3.57 percent to 98 rand, extending gains after saying full-year profit rose as much as 17 percent.

Wireless phones group MTN Group, a top three dividend payer on the benchmark index, climbed 2.6 percent to 147.15 rand.

Gold miners also featured on the gainers' list, helped by technical factors and higher bullion price. Harmony was up 3.4 percent to 75.68 rand, AngloGold Ashanti added 1.56 percent to 271.75 rand and Gold Fields edged up 0.6 percent to 103.66 rand.

On the downside, British American Tobacco dipped 1.5 percent to 436.10 rand after posting an expected 7 percent rise in half-year profit.

Chemicals and explosives maker AECI dropped 2.8 percent to 86.25 rand after reporting a 60 percent drop in first-half earnings.

Hit by an 84 percent drop in half-year earnings, ArcelorMittal's South African unit retreated 2.6 percent to 46.81 rand.

Trade was relatively slow, with 188 million shares changing hands on the JSE, compared with last year's daily average of 255 million shares.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/south-african-stocks-inch-higher-track-global-markets-155730737--finance.html

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(KTVI) ? A penny worth $3,000? A liberty proof worth $45,000? You bet! Clay Teague, from Scotsman Coins & Jewelry, stopped by with an example of the famous ?fugio penny?.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Royal rotas revealed: Kate, William and Harry announce the London 2012 events they'll be watching

It's bottoms up for lucky Prince Harry who will have a front row seat for the Beach Volleyball at the London 2012 Games.

The cheeky Royal will get an eyeful of serves, spikes, digs, and erm, sandy bums, as he watches scantily-clad athletes at the Horse Guards Parade next Wednesday.

His brother Prince William and wife Kate Middleton will also be attending plenty of top events after the Games kick off on Friday.

The young royals will enjoy the men?s 100m final, men?s diving, tennis, gymnastics, swimming, sailing, football, hockey and equestrian events.

They will cheer on cousin Zara Phillips as she competes for the British equestrian team at Greenwich Park.

And they will champion other British stars, with Kate and Harry both watching young Tom Daley make a splash in the diving.

William will be cheering on the strik-heirs when he watches the Team GB football stars at Wembley.

Their rigorous schedule of at least 30 Olympic events between them was announced yesterday and reflects the key role the young Royals have as Official Ambassadors for Team GB.

Kate?s list of Olympic visits is the longest, followed by Harry.


Prince Harry poses with Usain Bolt
Sports fan: Prince Harry poses with Usain Bolt


William won?t attend the second week because of his work commitments? as a Search and Rescue pilot in north Wales.

A source said: ?William, Kate and Harry are very excited about the Olympics and the Paralympics.

?Kate is especially pleased she can watch the women?s hockey team because she has trained with them.?

The whole royal family will play a key role during the Olympics, with the Queen declaring the Games open at the spectacular ?27million Opening Ceremony.

Princess Anne will visit the Olympic Park on Saturday and see the swimming while Prince Charles and Camilla will attend badminton, equestrianism and cycling.

It?s also rumoured that Prince Harry will take on Usain Bolt again in a re-match of their race in March.

That?s if Harry can be dragged away from the Beach Volleyball.

Duchess of Cambridge's diary

? 30 July Equestrian events, Greenwich. Reception at The Royal Academy of Arts

? 2 Aug Tennis at Wimbledon

? 3 AUG Swimming at Olympic Park

? 4 Aug Hockey at Olympic Park

? 5 Aug Athletics at Olympic Park and Gymnastics and visit Team GB House

? 6 AUG Sailing, Weymouth.

? 9 AUG Synchronised Swimming, Olympic Park

? 11 AUG Men?s 10m Diving, Olympic Park.

? 12 AUG Closing Ceremony

Prince William's diary

? 28 July OR 29 JULY Equestrian events at Greenwich

? 28 JULY Team GB Football at Wembley

? 30 JULY Equestrian events at Greenwich and visit Team GB House

? 31 JULY Equestrian events at Greenwich and awarding of medals, visit the Athletes? Village

? 2 AUG Tennis at Wimbledon

? 3 AUG Equestrian dressage, Greenwich. Swimming, Olympic Park

? 5 AUG Athletics including men?s 100m final at Olympic Park

Prince Harry's diary

? 30 July Equestrian events at Greenwich, men?s 10m diving and visit Team GB House

? 31 JULY Equestrian events at Greenwich and awarding of medals, visit the Athletes? Village

? 2 AUG School Games reception at Clarence House

? 3 AUG Equestrian, Greenwich

? 5 AUG Athletics and men?s 100m final, Olympic Park

? 8 AUG Beach Volleyball, Horseguards Parade

? 9 AUG Team GB visit. Athletics, Olympic Park

? 12 AUG Closing Ceremony

Prince Charles' diary

? 28 JULY Start of men?s cycling on the Mall and Badminton at Wembley

Duchess of Cornwall's diary

? 28 JULY Start of men?s cycling on the Mall

? 30 JULY Equestrian Individual and Team Cross-Country Eventing, Greenwich

? 31 JULY Equestrian Individual and Team Jumping and Victory Ceremony, Greenwich.

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Olympics 2012 Pictures of the Day: 23rd July 2012

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Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/kate-middleton-and-prince-william-to-attend-1156244

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Turks turn to Twitter as Erdogan muzzles traditional media

With journalistic freedom diminishing in Turkey, Twitter has emerged as a powerful work-around for independent reporters.

By Alexander Christie-Miller,?Correspondent / July 23, 2012

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan meets with Russian President Vladimir Putin (not pictured) in the Kremlin in Moscow, July 18.

Sergei Karpukhin/AP


When Turkish journalist Serdar Akinan awoke last December to find his Twitter feed abuzz with rumors of a "massacre" in the country?s southeast, he naturally switched on the television.?When he flicked through the channels and found nothing but the usual grind of daily news, he called his friends at the TV stations.

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?They said it was true; they had pictures,? Akinan recalls. ?But their editors wouldn?t air them because they were waiting for an explanation from the government.?

In the end, it was more than 12 hours before mainstream media reported the news that Turkey?s military had killed 34 of its own civilians in a botched airstrike near the Kurdish village of Uludere on the Iraqi border.?By the time the first reports aired ? cautiously sticking to government statements ? Akinan, a newspaper columnist, had flown to Uludere, and was tweeting images of the funerals to his 80,000 followers.

?It was viral, people started to retweet my pictures,? says Akinan. ?The conventional media was helpless, they couldn?t hide the photos any more.?

With Turkey mulling further curbs on already limited press freedom, Akinan?s story illustrates how Twitter is emerging as a powerful tool to bypass ? and discredit ? the country?s muzzled news outlets.?

?We have a real news alternative with social media,? says Ozgur Uckan, a professor of economics at the communications faculty of Istanbul?s Bilgi University. ?Twitter particularly is having a big impact on freedom of information.??

Turkey already has more journalists in prison than Iran and China, mostly on dubious charges of "terrorism." It is also ranked 148th?out of 179 countries in Reporters Without Borders? 2011-2012 Press Freedom Index. More curbs may be coming: This month lawmakers from the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) said they were considering introducing changes to press laws that could restrict reports on grounds of "disrupting public morality."?

Meanwhile,?Turkey now ranks 11th?in the world for Twitter usage, according to?Semiocast, a company specializing in digital analytics.

Uptake of social media is driven by Turkey's increasingly tech-savvy population.?Around a quarter of the country's cell phone users own a smart phone, the second highest rate in Central and Eastern Europe, according to market research company GfK.

Last year, frustrated by the media?s coverage of a controversial trial in which several journalists were imprisoned, 20-year-old Engin Onder?and three friends started going to hearings themselves.

?We need a platform to receive unfiltered news,? says Mr. Onder, a communications design student at Istanbul?s Bahcesehir University.

?What we heard in the courtroom wasn?t in the mainstream media,? he says. ?You see biased approaches, they manipulate the speeches given in the courtroom.?

The group set up a twitter account, @140journos, specifically to cover stories ignored in the media.?Inspired by the role of Twitter in exposing the silence of the traditional media, they are now designing a smart phone application to allow users to become newsgatherers.

Media grows more timid

The surge in social media usage comes at a time when the mainstream media is becoming increasingly unwilling to take on controversial stories.?

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/world/~3/bijjIQsqYjE/Turks-turn-to-Twitter-as-Erdogan-muzzles-traditional-media

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Monday, July 23, 2012

Remedy iPad Troubles Having a Trusted iPad Fix Company ...

Although we try and protect our cell electronics, these types of as being the iPad tablet, as ideal as we could on-the-go, now and again, mishaps will occur, creating the gadget to stop functioning. As frustrating as this may be, getting a device again up and operating like new can often be so simple as checking out an area iPad repair store. Though this may cost a little a small sum to repair service, determined by the extent of injury, this would however be a considerably cry from having to pay out out many hundreds of dollars on a fresh machine.

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If you are establishing a business, it?s a wise idea to have a look at the benefits you can gain from making use of online marketing. You have the capability to reach lots of people each day when you are online, and that is a powerful aspect. Your advertising are seen by individuals worldwide when you use the Internet. No doubt you can recognize how this advertising approach would surpass others you might consider.

I will quote The Income Factor. Online marketing is somewhat inexpensive, especially when you think of the cost of setting up a telemarketing hall or leasing a billboard. Some web marketing methods are pricey but as many methods are actually rather affordable, this type of advertising is favored by many. Many businesses are unable to afford the price range of putting a banner ad on a popular web site, but there are several ways to advertise that will fit in any budget. Search engines offer pay-per-click advertising, and that is one of the most popular ways of internet marketing. Yet another positive aspect of internet marketing is the speed with which you can receive excellent results. Placing an ad in a newspaper usually requires many days but placing an advertisement on the internet can happen in minutes. Most of the individuals on the internet consider online advertising to be trustworthy so you should have a good customer base with which to connect. You?re attempting to connect with the most people you could who are part of your target audience. You?re using the power of online marketing to contact individuals who want the products and services you are selling.

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Posted in Business

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Real estate market showing some signs of life in the New Orleans ...

After several years of declines, the metro New Orleans area real estate market appears to be stabilizing, according to new figures from the New Orleans Metropolitan Association of Realtors.

The price per square foot of homes in the seven-parish metro area was essentially unchanged in the first half of 2012 compared with the same period in 2011, but the number of homes sold increased by 10 percent, suggesting that the market is improving.

The results varied by parish. Plaquemines Parish led the way with a whopping 17 percent increase in price from spring 2011 to spring 2012. Orleans Parish continued its growth with a 5 percent appreciation in price. Results in St. Tammany and St. Charles parishes were unchanged. Jefferson, St. John the Baptist and St. Bernard parishes saw declines.

But the Realtors include in their analysis far-flung Tangipahoa Parish, which saw a 4 percent appreciation in per-square-foot home prices in the first half of the year. If one looks at an expanded eight-parish metro area, the results are positive, with the average price per square foot of a home posting a 3 percent increase in the first half of 2012 as compared with the same period in 2011, according to Wade Ragas, a former finance professor at University of New Orleans who analyzes data from Realtor-assisted sales twice each year.

But the gains are extremely fragile. Any recovery in the local housing market could be wiped out by a tremor in the economy, with U.S. gross domestic product weak, the Chinese economy faltering and Europe in a deep recession, Ragas said.

Meanwhile, the metro New Orleans area is showing no job growth, making it unlikely that a housing recovery will gain steam. "We have basically leveled off in new jobs," said Janet Speyrer, associate dean for research and professor of economics at UNO's College of Business Administration. "It's barely growing."

Some areas hit harder

Indeed, some of the areas where the housing market is struggling the most are those with a dearth of jobs, such as eastern New Orleans and Slidell, which are suffering from the closures of the NASA Michoud facility and the Mississippi River Gulf Outlet waterway, while continuing to wait for new jobs from a new Walmart Supercenter and the reopening of the former Methodist Hospital. The wind-down of the Avondale shipyard continues to be a concern for the west bank of Orleans and Jefferson parishes.

Still, there are anecdotal signs that the local housing market has improved in the first few months of 2012. Realtors with companies in different parts of the metro area say that the number of homes sold continues to increase and inventory backlogs continue to drop. Real estate companies also report that they have been hiring agents in the first few months of the year, and that Realtors are earning more money than they have been in a while.

"The agents are much happier. Our volume is definitely up," said Margie Inman, a Realtor with Coldwell Banker/TEC on the north shore.

Meanwhile, lenders are beginning to ease up on terms, and the notion that rates are unlikely to go lower is motivating some people to buy.

Mike Anderson, the president of Essential Mortgage, a company affiliated with Latter & Blum, said his company has broken two records set before Hurricane Katrina in the volume of mortgage lending in recent months, and the activity isn't refinancing. "Business has been really good. When you do the math at 3.25 percent, there's no question it's cheaper than renting," Anderson said.

'Now was a good time'

Attractive financing was a powerful motivation for Brian Brignac, 27, to buy a 1,400-square-foot home in March near Delgado Community College.

When Brignac looks back at his five and a half years of paying rent while he was a student at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, he feels as though he threw money away. So after graduating, he lived at home for a few years to save money while looking for a renovated home at an attractive price. "I wanted to build some equity, and have something for my next phase of life," Brignac said. "With the market the way it was, I figured now was a good time."

Brignac, who works as an auditor at People's Health in Metairie, was able to qualify for the city's soft-second mortgage program, which enables qualified buyers to get a forgivable loan of up to $65,000. So far, the city has closed 84 mortgages through the program.

Although Brignac's house sold for $208,000, according to conveyance records, between his down payment and the soft second mortgage, the main mortgage is only about $120,000. With homeowner's and flood insurance, Brignac said he pays about $1,200 a month for his home. "It worked out great," said Brignac, who enjoyed riding his bicycle to Jazz Fest.

Elsewhere in Orleans Parish, full-on bidding wars have erupted. Artist Layla Messkoub, who moved to New Orleans from New York in 2009, decided after Jazz Fest that it was time to buy.

She loves Mid-City and is dying for something in Bayou St. John. She recently found a house she was really excited about, but within 12 hours there were 14 offers on the property. She raised her bid by 25 percent, and then raised it 25 percent again, but failed to get it. "It's tough," she said.

Messkoub continues to look. She has her eye on a house that she heard might go on the market, and hopes she can get it before it's listed. "Maybe they'll sell it to me," she said.

Declines are abating

But not all parts of Orleans are strong, and other parts of the metro area continue to putter along without growth.

In New Orleans, parts of Uptown and Lakeview remain strong, and the Bywater experienced a 15 percent appreciation in price. ZIP codes in eastern New Orleans continued to see post-storm price declines, but the declines appear to be abating in Algiers and English Turn.

Sarah Peterson, manager of the Gardner Realtors office in Algiers, said she believes the housing market is beginning to improve because the number of days on the market has dropped slightly and the median price of homes sold has increased a bit. While the closure of the Avondale shipyard remains a concern for the west bank, the Federal City project in Algiers, the widening of the Huey P. Long Bridge and the opening of the NOLA Motorsports Park are all positives. "We're hoping that will bring us more buyers," she said.

In Jefferson Parish, per-square-foot home prices fell by 3 percent from the first half of 2011 to the first half of 2012 because of declines on the west bank and in Kenner, River Ridge and Harahan, but the number of homes sold increased by 7 percent. Prices appreciated in Old Metairie, Bucktown and Transcontinental and on the lakefront.

Mark Rodi, a Re/Max broker in Metairie, said that all the signs moved in a positive direction in the Old Metairie and Transcontinental areas from the first to second quarters of this year: The number of homes sold has increased, average home prices have increased and time on the market has declined. "I think that's significant," Rodi said.

In St. Tammany Parish, the overall price per square foot of homes sold was unchanged, but the number of homes sold was up nearly 19 percent since the first half of last year. Prices increased in the Covington, Abita Springs and Mandeville areas, but declined in the northern and eastern parts of the parish.

In St. Charles Parish, the overall price per square foot was unchanged, but prices on the east bank increased and prices on the west bank decreased because of the Avondale closing.

Outlook in St. John is good

St. John the Baptist Parish experienced a 9 percent decline in the average square foot price of homes sold, the worst of any parish in the metro area. But the number of homes sold increased, and the future employment outlook is positive because of the Nucor iron plant and growth at the Port of South Louisiana.

Frank Trapani, manager of Latter & Blum's River Parishes office, said sales of existing homes are strong in St. Charles, but in St. John, there's just not enough demand to see price increases.

St. Bernard Parish experienced a three percent decline in the price per square foot of homes sold from spring 2011 to spring 2012 on the same number of homes sold.

In Plaquemines Parish, the average price of a home in Belle Chasse rose to $316,000 in the first half of the year because of growth at the Naval Air Station and the relocation of the U.S. Marines to Federal City.

Rebecca Mowbray can be reached at rmowbray@timespicayune.com or 504.826.3417.

Source: http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2012/07/real_estate_market_showing_som.html

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PhD Scholarship for Australian Citizen or have Permanent Resident Status in the field of Mental Health, Contemporary modern australia Switching Health and fitness is a multi-district venture for Switching in Contemporary modern australia, with over 1,150 Switching Groups and 38,000 Rotarians helping it. Contemporary modern australia Switching Health and fitness has instructed more than $28 million in Contemporary modern australia research over its 30 year history. Contemporary modern australia Switching Health?s focus has been on community health insurance coverage policy has previously invested in research looking at Cot Loss of life, Young Health and fitness, Family Health and fitness as well as the Ross Flow Virus, Malaria, Abdominal Cancer examining, First Aid and Immediate Care Research.

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Applicants must be an Contemporary modern australia Citizen or have Long-lasting Citizen Position and not be under connection to any foreign government. Applicants are to provide evidence of citizenship or personal position.

Source: http://all-college-scholarship.blogspot.com/2012/07/kaiyu-scholarship-for-phd-research-in.html

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Family Day @ Gathering of the Vibes ? 7/22 ? Moms in Weston, CT

Sunday is ?Family Day? at the Vibes Celebrating CT Residents, Vets & Active Military

Kids 15 & Under are Free; Connecticut Residents, Veterans & Active Military Receive Half Price Tickets ($20)

Gathering of the Vibes? School of Rock Teen Vibes Stage Returns July 19-22, 2012

BRIDGEPORT, CT ? Sunday is ?Family Day? at the Gathering of the Vibes, allowing families to attend the festival at a significantly reduced ticket price. Available only at the gate, kids 15 & under are free and all Connecticut residents and members of our military showing a photo ID will gain entrance admitted for $20. Family Day offers the ideal compromise between children?s need to have fun and parents? desire to watch some music and catch up with old friends.

Gathering of the Vibes, the Northeast?s premier camping, music & arts celebration, remains a pioneer in creating a truly family friendly festival experience. Last year, Vibes hosted 700 families & their kids ? 1,800 children under the age of 15 were in attendance. This unique ?community? experience is what ultimately separates Gathering of the Vibes from all other music festivals, using music to bring generations together.

?In 2011, ?Family Day? turned out better than we ever envisioned. The positive ?vibe? was amazing, and the spirit of thousands of young people in attendance was palatable,? says Ken Hays, festival founder. ?We want to continue celebrating family, our fellow Connecticut residents, and thanking the men and women who serve our country. ?Family Day? has become a great platform for us to do just that.?

School of Rock Partnership & Teen Vibes Stage
The Vibes is pleased to again partner with the nationally acclaimed School of Rock organization. SOR is the leading performance-based music education program with schools located throughout the country, including Fairfield, Conn. The School of Rock Teen Vibes Stage will feature some incredibly advanced young artists, offer music lessons, and organize jam sessions for every age and talent group. For more about School of Rock at Vibes and a full All Stars schedule, please visit http://gatheringofthevibes.com/vibes-school-of-rock-teen-vibes-stage.

?The extraordinary talent of these School of Rock kids completely blew us away last year,? Hays. ?To see these teens perform with clear focus and vision was inspiring to us all. Teens inspired by something other than video games and TV ? there?s hope for future generations!?

Kids Corner & Teen Scene
Celebrating its 13th installment at the festival, Kid?s Corner, led by Gabrielle Fugere and Andy ?The Music Man? Morse, is a clean, safe, fun, and exciting place for younger children. Kids Corner & Teen Scene is located in a shaded, tree lined area with plenty of space for having fun, with the Family Camping area situated nearby. For info on Kids Corner, Teen Scene, and families at the Vibes, check out: http://gatheringofthevibes.com/kids-families-2.

Sunday festivities kick off with the World Peace Prayer and Flag Ceremony (www.worldpeace.org), where children who have created special puppets at the Kids Corner lead a Mardi Gras parade to the Main Stage, where every country on Earth is recognized in a group prayer. This prayer, ?May Peace Prevail on Earth,? is guided by 1960?s icon Wavy Gravy alongside James Dugan of The World Peace Prayer Society.

Gathering of the Vibes welcomed over 20,000 fans per day last year, despite record-breaking heat. With more than 160,000 Facebook fans, the festival continues to attract a diverse, multigenerational audience, affectionately known as the ?Vibe Tribe.? A full artist lineup and ticket details for this year?s four-day extravaganza is available at http://www.GOVIBES.com.
Seaside Park is easily accessible by public transportation and just 50 miles from Manhattan. Fans traveling from NYC and Long Island may take Metro North or the Port Jefferson Ferry. Shuttle bus service will transport festival attendees to and from the venue, local area hotels, the ferry, train, and bus stations.
For complete and up-to-the-minute Gathering of the Vibes information, visit www.GOVIBES.com and follow Gathering of the Vibes on Facebook, Twitter, or check the message boards.

Source: http://westonctmoms.wordpress.com/2012/07/21/family-day-gathering-of-the-vibes-722/

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Montclair June Real Estate Numbers: 46 Homes Sold and the Sale ...


In the month of June there were 193 residential homes on the market for sale -- 48 of those came on the market in June, 42 were under contract, and 46 sold. Of the 46, the average sales price was $665,997 and the median sales price was $630,000. These homes sold, on average, at 99% of list price in 92 days.

Although the sales numbers are a marked increase from last month, they are a mixed bag versus June 2011. The positive side is 16 additional homes sold last month and the median sales price was $15,401 more, when compared to June 2011. The negative side, the average sales price was $88,920 less than last year with the June 2011 average sales price coming in at $754,917. Of the 30 residential homes sold in June 2011, they sold at an average of 99% of list price in 72 days.

The most expensive home sold at 495 Park Street for it's asking price of $1,999,999 in 68 days. The least expensive home that sold was a 1 bedroom, 1 full bath condo at 16 Forest Street for $145,000. A home that sold close to the average sales price is 32 Franklin Place, the 7 bedroom, 4 full baths and 1 half-bath for $670,000.

There were also 3 multi-family home sales and 55 rentals completed. However, note all of these figures are from the Garden State Multiple Listing Service (GSMLS) and do not include all new construction or private sales/rentals; many rentals are completed without a real estate agent.

Source: http://montclair.patch.com/blog_posts/montclair-june-real-estate-numbers-46-homes-sold-and-the-sale-prices-well-lets-see

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$28 billion isn't worth trifling with (hamptonroads)

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International Business Jeopardy Question ? New series launched ...

We are excited to announce that a new round of international business jeopardy question competition just started!

We will post a series of 10 international business jeopardy questions. The candidate with the most correct answers will receive Professor Czinkota?s? new book on international business and marketing with his signature.

Anyone at anywhere of the world is free to join us! All you need is to leave a comment.

Question 1. What is the name of the largest island in the world? (Hint: It is first visited by the notorious Viking, Eric the Red)

Professor of International Business and Trade at Georgetown Univeristy, Washington, DC - http://www.faculty.msb.edu/index.htm http://www.twitter.com/#!/michaelczinkota http://www.facebook.com/169628456631

Source: http://michaelczinkota.com/2012/07/international-business-jeopardy-question-new-series-launched/

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