Thursday, August 30, 2012

A general community wide gaming technology development ...

COO of Kaneakua Shortridge INC, Lola Watzka, also decided to take part in the gaming technology development study, but as an analyzer of final data: ?Usually I just sign off on results and make sure they are published in a timely matter?but this time, I really wanted to get hands on with this gaming technology development subject matter, so I decided to aide my fellow employees with statistical measurements and data analysis. Personally, I?m very curious about local gaming technology development ideas and trends.? Yesterday, at the request of the Mollie Alleman INC firm, members of the public filed into the Saeli Barthlow gaming technology development Research Institute to take part in a first-of-its-kind survey. Chief proctor Lydia Kollross, who acted as the main organizer stated, ?We?re really excited with the turn out for this important gaming technology development data gathering study. With other 1000 participants, we will meet all quotas for a statistically significant sample, which will guarantee the legitimacy of our gaming technology development study data. This is absolutely key to Professors Vann Mclaney and Hunkele Stetzel, who will be collating the results.? Without a doubt, as society becomes more technologically viable, knowing how gaming technology development impacts local and national trends is extremely important. Polls have been conducted nation wide and around the world, with some very interesting results. ?Overall,? said Lapolla Bystrom, a visiting Professor from Grimsley Heinly College, ?we?ve seen some very interesting commonalities across cultures, ethnicities, and various different societies. Gaming technology development survey takers were very considerate in their answers, and this helped us greatly to further tune our hypotheses. In the end, we?ll have a great set of data to analyze and study for the future, as we continue to review how gaming technology development factors work in society.? Many members of the general public were happy to be taking part in the gaming technology development poll, which offered three forms of compensation for their participation. Gift coordinator Klaiber Watry elaborated, ?For those surveyees that took part in all three of the gaming technology development survey sections, we offered three different forms of compensation - a cash gift of $50, gift certificate to a local restaurant, or a gift card for the upcoming holiday season at the local mall.? ?I?m very excited about tallying the data from this important gaming technology development survey,? stated Dr. Bemrose Barch, survey creator and main planner, ?This is the first time we?ve asked for public participation in our scientific research, and we?re absolutely flattered and grateful by the turn out. I expect preliminary results will be tabulated by next month, at which point we?ll release general findings about important gaming technology development trends in this society to the local media.? All in all, gaming technology development survey takers were grateful for the complimentary gifts, and some even expressed interest in participating in future studies. ?This was fairly short and fun,? said Jolynn Buris, a local artist, ?and $50 cash is a nice gift. I also added my name to the gaming technology development study?s contact list for future surveys, interviews, and any public discussions. It?s a very interesting and important topic!? Students from the University of Marcie Divlio, in partnership with employees of the Huprich Cano and Spunt Dutrow Statistics INC, helped hand out the five page survey to members of the public, and also held brief Q & A sessions at the beginning and end of the gaming technology development survey for those who had any concerns about its subject matter. Said Serafina Edmison, a graduate student, ?I was impressed with the public?s awareness of gaming technology development trends in their daily lives. I?ve been studying them for months now, and some surveyees raised questions that I couldn?t readily answer. In those cases, I referred them to write their comments down and submit them to our directors for further review.? A few books about gaming technology development are planned to be written before the end of the year. Authors Phillis Ryan, Winston Brinsfield, and Eleanora Noethiger, all represented by the publishing firm The Travis Vichi Free Press, were present during the survey data gathering sessions to collect some anecdotal stories from the general public about their thoughts concerning gaming technology development. Said Eleanora Noethiger, ?I loved the opportunity to meet and greet the gaming technology development survey takers and speak to them one-on-one. I want to get the most accurate and colorful data possible for my work. Also, I want to get personal ideas and view points that will offer some important perspective about the level of gaming technology development integration in our society.?


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Decline in breeding chinstrap penguins in Antarctic Peninsula confirmed

ScienceDaily (Aug. 29, 2012) ? In a paper published this week in the journal Polar Biology, researchers from the Antarctic Site Inventory confirm significant declines in the breeding population of chinstrap penguins in the vastly warming Antarctic Peninsula, where it's warming faster than, or as fast as, any other place on Earth.

New results and analyses stem from fieldwork conducted in December 2011 at Deception Island, one of the most frequently visited locations in Antarctica.

Overseen by Ron Naveen, founder of the nonprofit science and conservation organization, Oceanites, Inc., the Deception Island census effort analyses were undertaken by Dr. Heather Lynch, Assistant Professor of Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook University, and chief scientist of the Antarctic Site Inventory project.

The Inventory has been collecting and analyzing Antarctic Peninsula-wide penguin population data since 1994, and these new findings have important implications both for the advancement of Antarctic science and the management of Antarctica by the Antarctic Treaty nations.

"Our Deception Island work, using the yacht Pelagic as our base, occurred over 12 days and in the harshest of conditions -- persistent clouds, precipitation, and high winds, the latter sometimes reaching gale force and requiring a lot of patience waiting out the blows," said Naveen. "But, in the end, we achieved the first-ever survey of all chinstraps breeding on the island."

The other Inventory researchers on the team were Steven Forrest (Oceanites, Inc.), Dr. Thomas Mueller (Biodiversity and Climate Research Centre), and Dr. Michael Polito (now at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute). The scientific effort of the Inventory is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and public contributions, and the project's on-the-ground fieldwork at Deception Island was specifically supported by a grant from The Tinker Foundation. The Inventory is the only publicly supported science project working in Antarctica and the only science project tracking penguin populations throughout the entire Antarctic Peninsula region.

The scientific effort of the Inventory is supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation and public contributions, and the project's on-the-ground fieldwork at Deception Island was specifically supported by a grant from The Tinker Foundation. The Inventory is the only publicly supported science project working in Antarctica and the only science project tracking penguin populations throughout the entire Antarctic Peninsula region.

Deception Island is frequently visited and there has been speculation that tourism may have a negative impact on breeding chinstrap penguins -- especially, at Deception Island's largest chinstrap colony known as Baily Head. Previously, Antarctic Treaty-level discussions regarding the management of visitors at Baily Head proceeded in the absence of concrete site-wide census data.

The results and analyses, according to Dr. Lynch, shed new light on the massive changes occurring in this region.

"Our team found 79,849 breeding pairs of chinstrap penguins at Deception, including 50,408 breeding pairs at Baily Head. Combined with a simulation designed to capture uncertainty in an earlier population estimate, there is strong evidence to suggest a significant (>50%) decline in the abundance of chinstraps breeding at Baily Head since 1986/87.

"The decline of chinstrap penguins at Baily Head is consistent with declines in this species throughout the region, including at sites that receive little or no tourism; further, as a consequence of regional environmental changes that currently represent the dominant influence on penguin dynamics, we cannot ascribe any direct link in this study between chinstrap declines and tourism."

The Baily Head analysis was abetted by Dr. Lynch's cutting-edge analyses of high-resolution satellite imagery. Images were available for the 2002/03 and the 2009/10 seasons that suggest a 39% decline over that seven-year period, and which provide independent confirmation of this population decline. Via assistance from the U.S. National Science Foundation and a cooperative effort the University of Minnesota's Polar Geospatial Center, the Inventory continues to demonstrate the use of satellite imagery to analyze and describe environmental change in sensitive habitats.

"We now know," says Naveen, "that two of the three predominant penguin species in the Peninsula -- chinstrap and Ad?lie -- are declining significantly in a region where, in the last 60 years, it's warmed by 3? C. (5? F.) annually and by 5? C. (9? F.) in winter. By contrast, gentoo penguins, the third of these species, are expanding both its numbers and range. These divergent responses are an ongoing focus of our Inventory work effort."

Adds Lynch: "While there has been considerable focus in the policy and management community about the potential impact of tourism on these penguin populations, we cannot forget the overwhelming evidence that climate is responsible for the dramatic changes that we are seeing on the Peninsula. If tourism is having a negative impact on these populations, it's too small an effect to be detected against the background of climate change."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Stony Brook University.

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Journal Reference:

  1. Ron Naveen, Heather J. Lynch, Steven Forrest, Thomas Mueller, Michael Polito. First direct, site-wide penguin survey at Deception Island, Antarctica, suggests significant declines in breeding chinstrap penguins. Polar Biology, 2012; DOI: 10.1007/s00300-012-1230-3

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Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Complex Picture of America's New Immigrants |

With President Barack Obama?s mid-June executive order that protected certain children of illegal immigrants from deportation, and the U.S. Supreme Court?s ruling that invalidated most of Arizona?s anti-immigrant law, immigration has finally been yanked onto the front burner.

And with that spotlight has come some misleading shorthand: that immigrant means Latinos and illegal, and that legal immigrants, including immigrant youth, if mobilized to become citizens will vote Democratic. But immigration in the United States today is far more comprehensive than stereotypes and myths can convey, and we owe it to ourselves to understand the nuance of their politics and influence on our country, especially in an election year.

There are about 40 million immigrants in the United States today, and according to the U.S. Census Bureau, that is more than at any time in U.S. history.?Almost two-thirds of have arrived during the past 20 years. Immigrants, defined as people born outside the United States and residing here legally or illegally, now comprise about one-eighth or 12.5 percent of the U.S. population.

According to Census figures, 11 million of today?s U.S. immigrants were born in Mexico, another 10 million originate from other Latin American countries and the Caribbean. Some 11 million are Asian, primarily from China, India, Philippines, Vietnam and Korea. Five million of today?s U.S. immigrant population originates from Europe, including the former Soviet Union.

More than half of U.S. immigrants today are between the ages of 18 and 44. They are seldom accounted for in political polling in the run-up to an election, though more than 40 percent of all immigrants are citizens and entitled to vote, according to 2010 U.S. Census Bureau data.

In a series??Immigrants don?t fall in line for 2012 elections,? published by Immigrant Connect (an online network for immigrants, refugees, their families and communities in partnership with 12 ethnic media outlets in Chicago, we examined how different immigrant communities are approaching the 2012 election campaigns.

Among what we discovered are stories of traditionally Democratic strongholds veering away from supporting President Obama ? in the?Indian?community that has become wealthier and a natural reservoir for political fundraising; among?Poles?who face a quandary between an opportunity for those here illegally and core religious values; for?Russian Jewish?immigrants who have an instinctive fear of big government and any specter of socialism; and in a surprisingly robust?Bulgarian?community that hasn?t yet developed an investment in American politics. Immigrants from the former Soviet Union, many of whom only recently reached voting age, often express a visceral allegiance to former Republican President Ronald Reagan for his role in the fall of the Iron Curtain, that carries over as party loyalty for the GOP.

U.S. Immigrants are not a bloc, much less a voting bloc.?For immigrants, politics is often a home-grown tradition. Dual citizenship is a convenience and a fact of life in the United States, and with every election, both here and back home, many immigrants have options.

For Lithuanians, for instance, it can get complicated. Younger Lithuanians ? those who emigrated after 1990 and became U.S. citizens ? can?t vote in Lithuania. Older Lithuanians can vote in both places. Mexican officials were paying attention to the 10 million voting-age Mexicans living in the United States. Though about three-quarters of Mexican immigrants in the United States lack U.S. citizenship and can?t vote here, Mexico honors dual citizenship and some 60,000 applied for absentee ballots to vote in the Mexican elections this year. They tend to vote in neither, in part because of a distrust in authorities and the election process, bred in Mexico and reinforced in their new home.

That was the case among Pakistani Americans, too. However, upcoming elections in Pakistan have created quite a buzz among Pakistani immigrants living in the United States, who earlier this year were given voting rights for the first time. The campaign of Imran Khan, a cricket star-turned-politician has galvanized young Pakistani-Americans well beyond anything American elections have been able to do.

?A nation of immigrants? is a term steeped in the rhetoric of American politics, often invoked to harken back to bygone times, and to remind us of our country?s humanity.

In the Arizona case, Justice Anthony Kennedy referred to illegal immigrants as ?human concerns;? Justice Antonin Scalia called it ?human realities,? referring to Arizona?s other citizens under siege by invading immigrants.

With 40 million immigrants, legal and illegal, being courted to vote and being kept from voting, this should be an election cycle worth engaging in.

Jack C. Doppelt is a Medill Professor of Journalism at Northwestern?University and publisher of?Immigrant?Connect?and?RefugeeLives.

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Friday, August 24, 2012

Giant fractals are out - the universe is a big smoothie

Fractals are beautiful, but we wouldn't want to live in one. If the universe is like a giant fractal ? with matter always appearing in clusters nested inside clusters ? that would be a serious blow to modern cosmology.

Now the largest 3D map of the sky ever used to measure large-scale structure shows that if you zoom out far enough, the universe is reassuringly cluster-free.

We can see that the universe was born smooth by looking at its density, as revealed by the cosmic microwave background radiation ? a faint glow emitted just 380,000 years after the big bang.

Over time, gravity pulled matter together so that gas formed stars, those stars gathered in galaxies, and galaxies congregated in clusters. On a large scale, though, the expansion of the universe should trump the influence of gravity and so matter should be distributed more or less evenly, according to the standard model of cosmology.

But previous studies found clusters within clusters on ever larger scales. One paper even hinted that hyperclusters of galaxies exist all the way out to the 3-billion-light-year scale.

Red-shift saviour

Besides throwing a wrench into many theories of cosmology, a fractal universe would cast doubt on some fundamental aspects of astronomy, says team leader Morag Scrimgeour at the University of Western Australia in Perth. For one thing, red shift ? a light-stretching Doppler effect caused by the expansion of the universe ? would no longer be an accurate tool for measuring cosmological distances.

"If the space is not smooth, if it's distorted by large clumps of matter, then the path of light is distorted and its red shift is no longer simply related to the distance to the galaxy," says Scrimgeour.

To probe the issue, her team analysed data from the WiggleZ Dark Energy Survey, which used observations by the Anglo-Australian Telescope in New South Wales to map about 220,000 galaxies in a volume of space equivalent to a cube with 3 billion light years to a side.

Non-random, to a point

They tested for clusters by placing any given galaxy in the centre of an imaginary sphere and counted the number of galaxies within it. If clustering exists, there should be more galaxies within a sphere than if the 220,000 galaxies were distributed randomly throughout the huge cube.

With relatively small spheres ? up to about 330 million light years wide ? they did find galactic clusters. But in larger spheres the number of galaxies met expectations for randomness.

"This is the first survey large enough to? clearly see the approach to homogeneity and then well past it," says team member Tamara Davis of the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

Hard to disprove

Although the idea of a fractal universe is something few people believe, it is very hard to disprove, says Filipe Abdalla of University College London, who was not involved in the study. "This is the nicest result I've seen," he says, but adds that it is not the final word. The results may yet be contradicted by an even larger survey.

Scrimgeour admits her team's work does not rule out clustering at truly epic scales, but she thinks such structures, if they exist, won't be dense enough to cause problems for cosmology.

The next test will come from the Square Kilometre Array, an international radio-telescope array being built in South Africa and Australia that should provide an even bigger survey of galaxies.

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Japan turns up heat in South Korea row; debt plan, fx deal on line

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan turned up the heat on Friday in an emotional row with former colony South Korea, with lawmakers calling on Seoul to end its "illegal occupation" of a disputed island chain and the government considering scaling back economic ties.

Tension between the North Asian countries, both close U.S. security allies, flared this month after President Lee Myung-bak became the first South Korean leader to set foot on the islands claimed by both countries.

Lee's visit and his call for Emperor Akihito to go beyond expressing "deepest regrets" for Japan's 1910-1945 colonial rule triggered a diplomatic tit-for-tat feud, and a rare veiled threat from Japan to flex its economic muscle.

Finance Minister Jun Azumi reiterated on Friday that the government might not extend a currency swap arrangement with South Korea after it expires in October and said Japan was weighing an earlier plan to buy South Korean government debt.

"Things have reached the point where the Japanese people may not be able to accept the argument that political relations and economic relations are separate," Azumi told reporters.

In a symbolic but rare move, Japanese lawmakers passed a resolution condemning Lee's visit to the islands known as Dokdo in Korea and Takeshima in Japan, and demanded their return to Japan.

Noda, attacked by the opposition for being too soft in territorial rows, referred to South Korea's control of the islands as "illegal occupation", breaking with his and other prime ministers' past practice of avoiding such language.

"It is my understanding that they are being illegally occupied by South Korea," Noda said in reply to a question from an opposition member of parliament.

The Yomiuri newspaper reported that Japan was leaning towards aborting its planned purchase of South Korean government bonds, saying that the government believed it would not be understood by the public in the current diplomatic climate.

The dispute with South Korea coincides with a stand-off between Japan and China over another island chain, which sparked anti-Japanese protests in China last week.


Despite close economic ties, bitter memories of Japanese militarism run deep in China and South Korea. The simmering territorial disputes show how the region has failed to resolve differences nearly seven decades after the end of World War Two.

The row with South Korea sparked a curious stand-off over a letter from Noda to Lee, which South Korea first declined to accept and then Japan refused to take back.

Commentators say much of the war of words has to do with domestic political dynamics, with both Japan and South Korea facing elections and China preparing for a once-in-a-decade leadership change later this year.

A South Korean newspaper said Noda was trying a "diplomatic gamble" to shore up his dismal ratings ahead of an election his Democrats look set to lose.

However, in a sign that he was keen to prevent the stand-off from spinning out of control, Noda stressed the importance of partnership with Seoul.

"South Korea is our important neighbor and even difficult problems should be handled in a calm way and with a big picture in mind," he told the parliament.

(Editing by Linda Sieg and Robert Birsel)


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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Japan builds early lead, beats Panama, 4-1 at LLWS

SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. (AP) ? The Little Leaguers from Japan are playing textbook baseball.

Strong pitching, solid defense and powerful bats have carried the team from Tokyo to a berth in the international final at the World Series following a 4-1 victory over Panama on Wednesday.

Kotaro Kiyomiya homered in the first, and starter Ryuji Osada struck out seven.

The left-handed Kiyomiya displayed prodigious power for a 13-year-old slugger. His blast landed nearly halfway up the hill beyond the right-field wall, about 310 feet from the plate.

"As soon as I hit it I knew it was a home run," he said through an interpreter. "That's why I didn't take off quickly."

Panama finally got on the board in the fifth after Edwin Nieto hustled around first to score on a double by Daniel Cruz and an error.

But Osada got the next batter to ground weakly to short to end the threat.

Texas and Tennessee play the nightcap in the U.S. bracket.

On the international side, Japan is a traditional power, having appeared in the World Series finals four out of the previous five years, including a title in 2010.

Now, Tokyo is two wins away from taking home another title to Japan. Noriatsu Osaka retired the side in order in the sixth for the save.

The two teams then lined up for the customary postgame high-fives at the plate before Japan's players sprinted out to center to pay homage to the bust of Howard Lamade just beyond the outfield wall ? another Japan tradition at the World Series. The main Little League stadium is named after Lamade.

Japan pounded out eight hits but squandered a couple other scoring opportunities. Despite the first-inning homers, manager Yoichi Kubo thinks his boys aren't swinging the bats well.

"We have not adjusted to this big stage" at the plate, Kobo said. "Our pitching has been very good."

The Panama team from Aguadulce moves into the elimination bracket to play Mexico on Thursday, with the winner of that game facing Japan in the international championship game on Saturday.

It's time for Panama manager Luis Gonzalez to settle his players down.

"We will have a team meeting to get them to relax because we have to ready to play another game," Gonzalez said through an interpreter.

While they struggled at the plate, Panama pitching settled down after the rough first. Kiyomiya's homer to right was nearly caught by a fan watching the game from a beach chair carefully perched on the steep hill; Shun Oshima followed with a solo shot to right two batters later.

Twelve-year-old reliever James Gonzalez got a strikeout to end a bases-loaded jam the next inning before Panama. He allowed a run and two hits in three innings, benefiting from some nifty glove work like 13-year-old shortstop Daniel Cruz's diving stop to his right and Edisson Gonzalez's sweep tag at first to end the bottom of the fourth.

Panama pitchers were often serenaded to chants of "Strike him out" in Spanish by their fans, who were yelling the phrase when Oshima tripled down the left-field line to tack on an insurance run in the bottom of the fifth.


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Monday, August 20, 2012

Iraqi Sunni cleric's convoy struck by bomb

(AP) ? Iraqi officials say a bomb has struck the convoy of a senior Sunni cleric in western Baghdad, killing at least one person and critically injuring the religious leader.

An official at the Sunni endowment, which runs Sunni religious sites, says Sheik Mahdi al-Sumaidaie was badly hurt in Sunday's blast, and a bodyguard was killed. The cleric had just been leading prayers to mark the beginning of the Eid al-Fitr holiday, which follows the holy month of Ramadan.

Al-Sumaidaie has sided with the government against Sunni Muslim extremists. Moderate clerics seen as allied with the Shiite-led government are often targeted by insurgents.

Police confirmed the blast and say the death toll may be higher. All officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to release the information.

Associated Press


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'Expendables 2' brawls to No. 1 with $28.8M

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? Sylvester Stallone and his beefy buddies have muscled their way to the top of the weekend box office.

Stallone's action hero roundup "The Expendables 2" debuted at No. 1 with $28.8 million, according to studio estimates Sunday. That's down from the $34.8 million start for "The Expendables" two years ago.

The Lionsgate sequel elbowed out another action tale as Universal's "The Bourne Legacy" fell to No. 2 in its second weekend with $17 million. That was a steep 55 percent drop from its $38.1 million opening weekend, though the movie's domestic total climbed to a solid $69.6 million.

Three other wide releases opened to modest business.

Focus Features' animated comedy "ParaNorman, about a boy leading the fight against zombies that rise from the grave, was No. 3 with $14 million.

Sony's music remake "Sparkle," featuring "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks and Whitney Houston, was No. 5 with $12 million. The update of the 1976 movie centers on three sisters who form a singing group in the late 1960s.

Disney's family fantasy "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" was No. 7 with $10.9 million. The movie stars Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton as a childless couple who become instant parents to a boy that magically appears in their lives.

The newcomers and holdovers combined to lift Hollywood's overall business. Domestic revenues totaled $139 million, up 12 percent from the same weekend last year, when "The Help" led with $20 million, according to box-office tracker

Business had been down the previous three weekends this summer, which has fallen short of the record-setting business many studio executives were predicting at the start of the season.

Since the first weekend of May, revenues total $3.9 billion, down 5 percent from last summer's, when Hollywood finished with an all-time high of $4.4 billion for the season, according to

This summer delivered huge hits such as "The Avengers" with $617.6 million domestically and "The Dark Knight Rises," which took in $11.1 million this weekend to cross the $400 million mark and edge past "The Hunger Games" to become the year's second-biggest hit.

But other releases such as "Dark Shadows," ''Battleship," ''The Watch" and "Total Recall" were duds that failed to live up to the summer's hype.

With only two weekends left in the season and no obvious hits premiering, it's unlikely that Hollywood will break last summer's record.

"We're winding down the summer and we're in the dog days of August. They're called that for a reason, because we're experiencing the typical summer slowdown, only it seems worse this year," said analyst Paul Dergarabedian.

Along with Stallone, "The Expendables 2" cast includes Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Jason Statham, Chuck Norris and Jean-Claude Van Damme.

While the sequel drew smaller crowds than the first movie, distributor Lionsgate noted that business held up better for the new one in its second day. Revenues dipped only 3 percent from Friday to Saturday compared to 11 percent for "The Expendables," according to Lionsgate.

That's a sign that more first-night fans may be talking up the sequel, which also earned better reviews than the original.

"We believe with solid word of mouth and even critical response to the film, that bodes well for the playability," said David Spitz, Lionsgate's head of distribution. "It's the old, it's not a sprint, it's a marathon."

"Sparkle" was the first movie since 1996's "The Preacher's Wife," for Houston, who died in February. The movie was produced on a small $14 million budget, so it will not be a financial burden to Sony despite its modest earnings.

A star's death often boosts audience interest, as happened with Heath Ledger and the Batman blockbuster "The Dark Knight" or Michael Jackson and the hit music documentary "Michael Jackson: This Is It."

That did not hold true for "Sparkle," in which Houston had a supporting role as the stern but loving mother of the three singers.

"I don't think that was ever in the cards where there was this sudden interest in seeing the movie," Dergarabedian said. "There didn't seem to be that kind of, 'oh, it's Whitney Houston's last movie, we've got to go see it' attitude."

Estimated ticket sales for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. "The Expendables 2," $28.8 million.

2. "The Bourne Legacy," $17 million.

3. "ParaNorman," $14 million.

4. "The Campaign," $13.4 million.

5. "Sparkle," $12 million.

6. "The Dark Knight Rises," $11.1 million.

7. "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," $10.9 million.

8. "Hope Springs," $9.1 million.

9. "Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days," $3.9 million ($867,000 international).

10. "Total Recall," $3.5 million.




Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.


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Sunday, August 19, 2012

High Demand Products Differentiate the best On the web Business ...

Most of us are in debt as much as our eyeballs, and are greater than a bit bit nervous regarding the state from the economic climate. Joblessness is on the rise, the value of gas is through the roof, and also the housing bubble has burst. That?s the negative news. The very good news is the fact that, thanks to the net, it is possible to launch a cash generating enterprise. You will definitely make money, and you might even get rich, and in the approach you?ll acquire a peace of thoughts which has been elusive for quite some time.

If you believe you don?t know sufficient about e-commerce to produce a web-based house business worth your while, it is time to think again. In the event you choose the right house working chance, you?re positive to succeed.

High Demand Items

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How Goods Can Perform for you

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Fish Decor | Nothing in Particular

Out Of State Movers Or Moving Companies: Remarkable Pets ? Tropical Fish And Fish TanksFish are outstanding pets, think it or not, but some people are often unwilling to relocate pet aquatic fish to the new home simply because it appears to become costly and hard to do. Nevertheless, a fish aquarium is one of the easiest pets to relocate if you have patience along with a simple knowledge of fish. You are able to purchase affordable or expensive fish travel tanks from any pet shop or retailer. You are able to relocate a full aquarium or just a few fish. Get help from out of state movers when you are moving with your pet fish! Either way a tank is easy to relocate. You just have determine what breed of fish that you want to relocate. Goldfish are really easy to have and relocate. You are able to possess a little tank or a pretty large one, but either way they?re easy to relocate. Most of the time, you just have to make sure that they have fresh water at least as soon as a month. This really is important when you are trying to relocate a tank at a new home. It?s essential for you to make sure that you have them within the right temperature setting situated within the house. Lighting

Fish Decor

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Quality of life data from the European Randomized Study of ...

Many prostate cancer patients and advocates may be less than enthused by data published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine, and based on 11-year follow-up of patients in the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC).

The study managers for the ERSPC have previously reported a 29 percent reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality among the men in this trial who underwent PSA-based screening for risk of prostate cancer compared to those who had no screening. This most recent study was carried out to assess the degree to which ?harms? to quality of life resulting from over-diagnosis and over-treatment can be considered to counterbalance the previously reported benefit.

Heijnsdijk et al. applied a process known as microsimulation screening analysis (MISCAN) to estimate the number of prostate cancers, treatments, deaths, and quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) gained after the introduction of PSA screening. It should be remembered by readers that this study is based on an exercise of complex modeling skills requiring many assumptions, and so all results are open to considerable question based on assessments of the accuracy of the modeling process.

Having said that, here are the core findings reported by Heijnsdijk and her colleagues:

  • For each 1,000 men screened, annual PSA-based screening of men aged between 55 and 69 years of age would result in
    • 9 fewer deaths from prostate cancer (a 28 percent reduction in prostate cancer-specific mortality)
    • 14 fewer men requiring palliative therapy for prostate cancer (a 35 percent reduction in the need for palliative care)
    • A total gain of 73 life-years (i.e., 8.4 years for each prostate cancer-specific death avoided)
    • A total gain of 56 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), with a range of ?21 to 97 QALYs
  • To prevent a single prostate cancer-specific death
    • 98 men would need to be screened
    • 5 cancers would need to be detected
  • Annual screening of all men aged between 55 and 69 years of age would result in
    • An increase in the number of life-years gained (from 73 to 82 per 1,000 men screened)
    • No change in the number of QALYs gained (still 56 per 1,000 men screened)

Heijnsdijk and her colleagues conclude that the ?benefit of PSA screening was diminished by loss of QALYs owing to postdiagnosis long-term effects.? They are, however, very careful to note their belief that longer follow-up data from both the ERSPC study itself and from appropriate quality-of-life analyses are essential before it would be possible to make any ?universal recommendations? about the value of annual PSA-based screening.

The ?New? Prostate Cancer InfoLink has not seen the full text of this article, and ? even if we had ? we do not feel competent to make any reasonable assessment of the validity of the modeling process used by Heijnsdijk et al. We have also not seen the full text of the editorial (by Sox) in the New England Journal of Medicine addressing this article. We will see if we can get copies of the full text of the article and the editorial in the near future. At this point in time we are only able to report what is stated in the abstract of the article.

Other commentaries on this study are already widely available (on HealthDay, on Medscape, on Reuters, on MedPage Today, and on WebMD). Some readers may want to review all of these commentaries. It is apparent from at least some of these commentaries that the editorialist in the New England Journal beleives that these data further justify the importance of discussion between individual patients and their doctors about the risks and benefits of PSA testing before administration of any such test.

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Young illegal immigrants discuss future - KWQC-TV6 News and ...

By By The Associated Press

Thousands of young illegal immigrants are preparing to apply for the right to work legally in America without being deported under a recently enacted federal program.

The program could help more than 1 million young illegal immigrants by giving them work permits, though they would not obtain green cards or a path to citizenship. To be eligible, immigrants must prove they arrived in the U.S. before they turned 16, are 30 or younger, have been living in the country at least five years and are in school or graduated or served in the military. They cannot have been convicted of certain crimes or otherwise pose a safety threat.

Immigrant advocates have embraced the program that began Wednesday as a long-awaited though temporary fix for young illegal immigrants, many who were brought here as children and grew up in America. But Republican critics accuse President Barack Obama of drafting the plan to boost his political standing with Latinos ahead of November's presidential election and say the program favors illegal immigrants over unemployed American citizens.

Here are the stories of some of the people eligible for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program:

NAME: Itzel Guillen

AGE: 18



BACKGROUND: Arrived in San Diego when she was 4 years old with an imposter identification card that was presented to a border inspector. Graduated from Patrick Henry High School in San Diego this year and plans to study psychology at San Diego State University this fall. Plans to apply for temporary status as early as this week.

QUOTE: "Even though it's temporary and there might be risks, I'm willing to try. I would like to encourage people take a risk as well. If we didn't take risks, we would all regret it."

NAME: Carolina Valdivia

AGE: 23

BIRTHPLACE: Mexicali, Mexico.

CURRENT RESIDENCE: Escondido, Calif.

BACKGROUND: Arrived in the San Diego when she was 12 years old and overstayed a tourist visa. Graduated from Orange Glen High School in Escondido, Calif., and California State University, San Marcos with degrees in sociology and criminal justice and will pursue a doctoral degree in sociology with eyes toward a teaching career. Lives in Escondido with her parents, who are in the United States illegally. Plans to apply for temporary status in a month, when transcripts and other documents are in hand.

QUOTE: "(A work permit) would give me an opportunity to really show my potential. At least it would bring a sense of security. At least I would be able to drive and work. I would be able to contribute to the United States."

NAME: Irving Zambrano

AGE: 18



BACKGROUND: Arrived in San Diego in the back seat of a car when he was 3 years old. Graduated from Patrick Henry High School in San Diego this year and plans to attend San Diego City College this fall. Hopes to transfer to a University of California school, study mechanical engineering and pursue a career in automotive design. Plans to apply for temporary status within a month.

QUOTE: "There are definitely some risks, but I think should be OK with it. I personally don't think I have a lot to worry about. It would have a pretty big impact on my life, being able to work and to help pay for school."

NAME: Juan Santiago

AGE: 24

BIRTHPLACE: Coatecas Altas, Oaxaca, Mexico


BACKGROUND: An indigenous Zapotec Indian from Oaxaca, Mexico, Santiago crossed the Arizona desert into the U.S. with his mother when he was 11, joining his farmworker father and four older brothers in Madera. He is the first member of his family to graduate from high school and go to college. A political science student, he plans to apply for deferred action later this week.

QUOTE: "It's a great relief for us ... Instead of worrying about deportation, we can now focus on our education, for our own benefit and that of this nation. Because we're not leaving the U.S., this is our country."

NAME: Jaime Guzman

AGE: 26

BIRTHPLACE: Mexico City, Mexico


BACKGROUND: Smuggled through a U.S. border checkpoint in a car at age 12. Said he is not planning to apply for deferred action out of a sense of solidarity with young people and family who don't qualify for the program. Currently runs a youth coaching and consulting business.

QUOTE: "I'm at a point in my life where I can accomplish my dreams, and I don't need a piece of paper that says, 'you belong here' or 'you're part of this society and contributing to this society.'"

NAME: Jaqueline Cinto

AGE: 26



BACKGROUND: Came here more than a decade ago as a teenager. Recently obtained master's degree in education. Will apply for deferred action to be able to use her degree as soon as she has all her transcripts and other documents in order.

QUOTE: "Deferred action is my only chance so far to be able to practice for what I have worked so hard for... I am still a bit hesitant to apply not knowing if I am putting my family at risk of deportation. I am even more afraid that I might be denied deferred action for any reason."

NAME: Bupendra Ram

AGE: 25

BIRTHPLACE: Ba, Fiji Islands

CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hawthorne, Calif.

BACKGROUND: Graduate student in communications at California State University, Fullerton. Brought to the U.S. by his parents as a toddler. Hopes to apply as soon as he receives papers from Fiji Islands documenting his departure as a child. Has a job but a work permit would open more opportunities to work at a large company or nonprofit helping other immigrants.

QUOTE: "It's something I have been waiting for since I was 2 years old because that's when I entered the United States.... This offers us an opportunity to fulfill the dreams I've had since I was a child."

NAME: Nathaly Uribe

AGE: 17

BIRTHPLACE: Valparaiso, Chile


BACKGROUND: High school student who hopes to study biochemistry and political science in college. Brought to the U.S. by her parents as a toddler. Wants to apply for deferred action to get a better job to help out her family and pay for college.

QUOTE: "This is my country. It's where my roots are. I have been here since I was 2, I don't remember anything from Chile. It feels great to know that the country that I call home is finally accepting me."


Associated Press writers Amy Taxin, Elliot Spagat, Gosia Wozniacka and Andres Gonzalez contributed to this report.

Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Ukrainian court adjourns trial of ex-PM Tymoshenko

KHARKIV, Ukraine (Reuters) - A Ukrainian court on Tuesday adjourned the tax evasion and embezzlement trial of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko until September 11 after she refused to appear citing poor health.

The 51-year-old opposition leader is serving a seven-year sentence on a separate charge of abuse of office linked to a gas deal she brokered with Russia in 2009 while prime minister.

Her trial in Kharkiv for tax evasion and embezzlement going back to alleged offences in the 1990s has been put off several times since she has been unable to attend because of back trouble for which she is receiving hospital treatment.

The court on Tuesday formally asked her to agree to a video link from her hospital bed to enable the trial to take place. She has refused such a suggestion in the past.

Tymoshenko, the fiercest political foe of President Viktor Yanukovich, has dismissed all charges against her as politically motivated and is challenging her initial conviction both locally and in the European Court of Human Rights.

The European Union has supported Tymoshenko, calling her case an example of selective justice and shelving key agreements on free trade and political association with Ukraine.

Tymoshenko led the 2004 Orange Revolution protests that derailed Yanukovich's first bid for presidency, and served twice as prime minister.

Yanukovich, who beat her in a close run-off to become president in February 2010, has refused to intervene in Tymoshenko's prosecution despite being urged to do so by Brussels.

A "guilty" verdict in the tax evasion case would keep Tymoshenko behind bars even if the European Court of Human Rights eventually overturns her first conviction.

(Writing by Olzhas Auyezov; Editing by Richard Balmforth and Pravin Char)


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Deciding On A Domain Hosting Company

This article has been viewed 13 times.

Various domain hosting is a web hosting service that permits individuals to control many domains from one hosting account. If you make the correct choice from the start, you can easily conserve on your own headaches later on. Domain name hosting is the exact same as internet hosting; it involves sourcing out for a world wide web array dealer to provide your business with a good as well as unique domain name. With so many net hosting companies today discovering the most reputable one is truly important.

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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Projects to Increase Storage Space in Your Home | Danny Lipford

Find out how to tackle these three storage solution projects for your home:

  • Closet Makeover: Increase access to your closet by converting sliding doors to hinged closet doors. Add additional shelving and double hanging rods to increase storage space.
  • Attic Flooring: Build an elevated floor in an attic to increase the storage area while allowing for adequate insulation between the attic floor and house.
  • Storage Shed Addition: Add an addition to the side of a storage shed to allow for storage of ladders and other tools.

Watch this video to find out more.

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Danny Lipford: This week on Today?s Homeowner we?re tackling America?s favorite topic, storage. There?s some great ideas to improve your home and cut the clutter right here.

Gayle Alexander: I?m almost scared?

Danny Lipford: Are you scared for me to open it? Oh, yeah!

Gayle Alexander: Be kind.

Danny Lipford: You know, I hear homeowner?s say all the time, ?I wish I had more closet space.? Well, it might be that the closet space you have is not being utilized as well as it could be. That?s exactly what we are about to prove to homeowner Gayle Alexander.

Gayle Alexander: All right, Danny, this was the closet that we?re trying to do something. I?m almost scared for you to open it.

Danny Lipford: Are you scared for me to open it? Oh, yeah!

Gayle Alexander: Be kind.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, I would say you?re using almost every bit of it there.

Gayle Alexander: As much as I can. That?s the problem with these houses in this neighborhood. This is such a great neighborhood. But the closets are so small.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, we can figure a few things out here that I know we can improve a lot. We have done a lot of closets like this. Of course, it depends a lot on how you use it. Whether it?s more long hanging things or short things and whether or not you need cubicles, that kind of stuff. But I?ll tell you, let?s go ahead and get? I?ll do some measuring. And I?ll let you do some writing.

Gayle Alexander: Oh good, all right.

Danny Lipford: Draw you a little picture there. And then we?ll see what we have here. You know what, another thing. These bypass doors are so frustrating ?cause they?re always problematic as far as actually working. And also you can only see half the closet.

Gayle Alexander: And they come loose.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, yeah. And they?re always hanging like that. So, I think we?ll measure it. But most of these we can trim down a little bit and actually put hinges on each side to where they open up.

Gayle Alexander: That would help. Thank you. That?s great.

Danny Lipford: All right, let?s see what we can do here. All right, let?s see. We?re eight-foot tall. And we?re about 65 inches long. So that?s going to be a little tricky. We have to cut just a little off of each one. If we get a quarter off here, here and the other one, that?s a full inch. That?s just what we need.

Gayle Alexander: Great.

Danny Lipford: All right, let me get rid of this.

Gayle Alexander: Okay.

Danny Lipford: Then the hard part. Pulling all of this stuff out of here.

Gayle Alexander: Oh, no! Well?

Danny Lipford: Tight! Actually has a little shoe rack down there already.

Gayle Alexander: Right.

Danny Lipford: You know, that?s really not a bad idea ?cause that?s the kind of space that, you know, you can tuck shoes along there. You can see them. You know, if you have this shaped right, where you can see everything. So, we?ll be able to utilize that. I think we?ll be able to save that. But the color, you know, it could be a much lighter color and certainly give you a lot more light in there.

Gayle Alexander: Well, there?s nothing like airing your laundry in front of everybody, is there?

Danny Lipford: That?s okay. Everybody has a closet like this. Once the clothes are cleared we can remove the old shelves, hardware and the track for that bypass door. The new material for the closet is outside. So that?s where we map out our plan for the new design to maximize all the space available. I?ll tell you what. There isn?t a whole lot of carpentry work to do. I?ll go ahead and take care of that. If you don?t mind doing a little painting, you can start priming that dark color inside.

Gayle Alexander: Okay. That sounds great.

Danny Lipford: That sound good? You do that, I?ll take care of this.

Gayle Alexander: All right.

Danny Lipford: Okay. You know, all these alterations on the closet are going to help a lot. But there?s so many clothes in there. Might be time for a yard sale. These pre-primed shelf boards should lighten things up. And once Gayle finishes priming and painting the closet, it?ll really be bright. For the shelf boards, medium density fiber board or MDF works really well. But for the wall cleats you?ll want to use just regular lumber, like one by fours and one by twos for the strength that it has. Now, while the paint in the closet dries, Gayle helps me cut down the existing doors so that we can mount them on hinges. We?re removing about five-eighths of an inch from each one so that they?ll fit side by side in the opening.

Gayle Alexander: Now, when you take it off though, will the innards of the door be exposed?

Danny Lipford: Yeah, look right here. But with hollow-core doors like this you have to be sure you don?t compromise the solid wood perimeter. A good closet layout starts with a level line on the inside wall for the first cleat, then you build from there. Whether you use a nail gun, an old-fashion hammer or screws be sure you hit the studs. While we?re adding some vertical cleats to support the hanging rods I discovered that Gayle may be a finish carpenter in the making. This is where you get to make your nail gun debut.

Gayle Alexander: Oh, all right.

Danny Lipford: She?s really starting to get into this as we put in the sweater shelves on the side of the closet. And soon we?re ready for caulk, putty and a little more paint. To complete the conversion of the closet doors I start by scribing the edge of them with a butt marker. This makes it easier to mortise out the shape of a door hinge with a chisel. To get the measurement for the casing side of the hinges you simply add one-eighth of an inch to the distance you measured down from the top of the door and repeat the mortising process. On the top edge of each door opposite the hinges, we add a roller ball catch to hold the door in place when it?s closed.

Now, we are ready to hang the doors. Make a few adjustments, perfect right there, and add door stops to the casing. On the front of the doors, we?re adding dummy knobs to make opening them a lot easier. Inside the closet, the hardware can finally go in to complete the project. The hanging rods, assorted hooks and hangers and a full-length mirror for the door. All totaled, we?ve only spent $150 to completely transform this closet. All right, Gayle, looks like we?re pretty well wiped down and ready for you to stock back up your closet. Don?t you think you?ll get a lot more use out of this?

Gayle Alexander: I know I will. It looks great, too. I?m so excited about getting stuff in. So you?re ready to help me with that?

Danny Lipford: Well, I don?t know about that. You know, that might take a little while and a little finesse to do that. But, you know, couple of good ideas. You know, you have the shelving here. You have the double rods, now you have the mirror. You have the hooks and everything. But we have another idea. I know you probably wondered what we were doing with these earlier. Well, you know traditionally you would use something like this in a kitchen to kind of utilize this space. So we thought utilizing these here would be something that you could put, you know, wallets or anything small. And then the florist foam that we have here, you could put like brooches or pins and things like that. And then you?ll be able to access that and still have room on the shelf. But just thought it?d be a little something extra.

Gayle Alexander: Wait a minute. I?ve got one thing I got to initiate the closet. So hang on, just going to get something.

Danny Lipford: Aw. Oh, now how long have you had Davy Jones clothes hanger?

Gayle Alexander: Davy?s been with me? I think I was 10 years old. And I bought it at a yard sale. And he?s been in every closet, so?

Danny Lipford: There we go. It?s official.

Gayle Alexander: It?s official. It?s my closet. And it?s beautiful. Thank you, Danny.

Danny Lipford: Sure.

Joe Truini: When working on a ladder, it?s nice to have some place to store your cordless drill to keep it from falling and crashing to the floor. Here?s one idea. Make a little holster from a piece of vinyl downspout or in this case, I actually cut it from an elbow.

I didn?t have any downspout, so I went and bought this elbow for just a couple of dollars and I cut it with a hacksaw. And the nice thing about that is you can just screw it right to the ladder. This is a couple of two and five-eighth inch long screws with washers on it. You don?t want them too long. So they don?t go through the ladder, of course. And you want to make sure you pre-drill a pilot hole so that you don?t split the wooden rail.

And the other important thing is you have to keep this high enough so that the metal braces, when the ladder is folded shut, the braces will clear this. Okay, so once you have that screwed in place, it?s just a nice place to store your drill. It?s also important to lock the trigger, so that if it rests on the trigger you don?t drain the battery. Now you can work safely on the ladder and if you?re going up and down, shaking the ladder the drill won?t fall out.

Danny Lipford: This week we?re digging into storage solutions. And I have been helping homeowner Gayle Alexander convert a dysfunctional ?60s closet into a space she could really use. With some elbow grease and a little paint, lumber and hardware, we?ve made a pretty big difference. And now she?s moving her stuff back in. Hey, let?s see what she thinks.

Gayle Alexander: Danny, I?m really excited to show you what I?ve done.

Danny Lipford: Oh, how did everything turn out in here?

Gayle Alexander: It?s great. I?ve got so much room for my shirts and my pants and then, you know, I?ve got this room here to work. And I still got some more stuff to load in.

Danny Lipford: Do you think you had enough space for the long hanging things? I know you had some question as to whether or not that would be enough.

Gayle Alexander: It is. Because most of the stuff I wear is separates and not dresses. So, this is? This is great.

Danny Lipford: Okay. And I know you still have a little bit of space left here. What do you think about the lazy Susan idea? You think it?ll work?

Gayle Alexander: I think it?s going to be great. It?s going to help me keep a little more organized. And you can even see the shoe rack now. Before, you couldn?t see the shoes.

Gayle Alexander: It?ll be a lot easier to get dressed in the mornings.

Danny Lipford: Well, you mentioned to me a while back about you?d love to develop some space in your attic. Allen?s dropping by in a little bit. We?re going to get up in that hot attic and see what we can do there. Any idea how old you think this house is?

Allen Lyle: Judging by the tile in the bathroom, I?d say it was built in the early to mid ?60s.

Danny Lipford: See I got a light on right here. Pretty typical? Whoa! Look at this right here. Come on up. I don?t know if you want to be on those stairs. Check this out. Looks like they had it tied off somewhere and now they got it tied off with just a piece of chain like that

Allen Lyle: Oh, gee whiz!

Danny Lipford: And you know what, there?s no lag bolts in this thing. There?s always supposed to be lags tying it in to the framing. And not one of them here.

Allen Lyle: Oh, did you see this? Look, the duct over here is crushed.

Danny Lipford: You always see that. I guess where they had stored some stuff there from time to time. But there?s still a fair amount of space over here. I can probably, might be able to remove this and transfer that weight elsewhere.

Allen Lyle: Oh, wow! Danny, look right here. Look at the duct work.

Danny Lipford: Oh, man! And that?s an active piece of ductwork too. Man, they?ll be glad we came up here and found that out. We?ll have to definitely fix that for ?em. But maybe we can wait till after we finish the work in the attic.

Allen Lyle: I?m okay with that.

Danny Lipford: Keep a little of that cool air? Cold air right in there. Well, let me just measure this out. We?ll leave all the duct work in place. Definitely fix that duct work. And see what we can develop right in this space here. Rather than decking right on top of the ceiling joist in the attic, we?re going to build a frame above it with these two by fours so we don?t compress the insulation. I guess when you was a kid they didn?t have electricity and you had to use a handsaw, is that right? Must?ve been rough back then.

A whole sheet of plywood almost never fits into an attic opening. So we?re cutting them down a bit, into two-foot strips, so that we can get ?em up into the space. Before we can start the new attic floor, we have to remove some of the old improvised decking left by a previous owner so that we can build our new framework right on top of the ceiling joist. My conscience won?t let me leave that leaky duct alone for long though. Even though it?s keeping us kind of cool here in the attic, it?s costing Gayle money every single minute it?s open.

Then, once we finish the framing for the new deck we add some extra insulation where the old stuff has already been packed down. So this attic will be more efficient in terms of space and energy use. Now we can add those two-foot wide pieces of half inch plywood, tack them down with a few screws to create some very useful floor space up here. We?re also fixing the safety issues with the attic access door before we call Gayle to check out the changes. Hey, Gayle, you need to come on up and take a look at this and see what you think.

Gayle Alexander: This is great. Look at all the space that we?ve got now.

Danny Lipford: It?s just about five-foot by seven-foot or so. And what we did is we put two by fours on top of the ceiling joists, put insulation inside there so that you?re not, you know, sacrificing any insulation. And then if you decide later you need more space, you can continue the same idea that way, that way, that way, any other way.

Gayle Alexander: Well, we needed this extra space. You saw that closet.

Danny Lipford: Yeah, yeah. You had a little extra stuff there that needed to go somewhere.

Gayle Alexander: You ready to go down and help me get some Christmas decorations?

Danny Lipford: I?ll be glad to help you with a few boxes.

Gayle Alexander: Okay, that?ll be great.

Jodi Marks: One of the things I love about spring is getting my spring planting done. And if you?ve got that on your agenda for your spring, take a look at this. Now, this is the Big Wheel Cart by Rubbermaid. And as the name would imply, it?s got some pretty big wheels here. And that?s what I like best about it, because it?s going to make maneuverability around the yard very easy to do. And also, look at this large capacity.

Now, unlike typical wheelbarrows, you know, you?ve got just a small area. Look at this. You can hold up to seven-and-a-half cubic feet of material. And if you mound it, you can get over eight cubic feet of material. Plus, the thing is it is very sturdy, so it can hold a lot of weight, up to 300 pounds.

So not only are you able to put putting soil in there and your plants, but you can also put mulch, you can put stone if you?re going to be doing some of that in your landscaping. Again, the construction?s very sturdy, so it?s going to hold up over time. And if you just need to store it outside, it?s not going to rust or break down. This is just a great thing to have on hand if you are like me and you like to do a lot of gardening.

Danny Lipford: Well, we certainly helped Gayle with two key areas of her home to maximize all of the storage space she had in her bedroom closet as well as creating a little bit of extra space for storage in the attic. Now, the attic?s a little limited on what you can put there with a lack of hanging space. And you got to be careful what you move up and down a set of stairs like that. Which brings about another challenge that many homeowners have. When you have larger items to store, like bicycles, lawn mowers, and other lawn and garden equipment, where does it go? Well, it?s time to start thinking about an outdoor storage building.

These structures come in all shapes and sizes. Some are made from durable plastics and just snap together in your backyard. While others are constructed from standard building materials, packaging kits that you can buy at the Home Center. You can even buy a larger custom building which is pre-fabricated in a factory and delivered to your home in large sections so that it goes up in just a few hours. Several years ago our own Joe Truini wrote a how-to book about constructing these out buildings, so he is our resident expert on this subject.

Joe Truini: The big advantage of building a custom one is you can build any size you want. And you can pick and choose the finish and the material.

Danny Lipford: Recently Joe talked with a homeowner who had to improvise when the building he already had ran out of room.

Scott Gardner: This was here when we bought the house. Which was? Yeah, I was excited about this. ?Cause as you can see, it?s?

Joe Truini: Nice size.

Scott Gardner: It?s about 12 by 16. And the thing I was excited about was having? I had always used my garage as a workshop, you know. I got put stuff away at the end of the day so the kids don?t get into it. Here, if I?m in the middle of something, I could quit, walk out the door, close the door.

Joe Truini: And I love the fact this is wide open. Very seldom do you see a shed that is not packed full of stuff, right?

Scott Gardner: Well, it wasn?t that way too long ago. Because what we figured out too was, ?Oh, there?s this open space.? So the lawn mower gets parked in here. The pressure washer. The wheel barrow. And so what I found was anytime I wanted to come in here and work I had to move all this stuff out into the yard before I could ever start working.

Joe Truini: So, where did it all go?

Scott Gardner: Well, it went in the yard for awhile. And then I came up with this idea to build an addition basically to the shed.

Joe Truini: Oh, that?s nice.

Scott Gardner: So we kind of refer to this as the lawn and garden shed attached to the workshop.

Joe Truini: All right, that?s great.

Danny Lipford: Because the original structure was built on a treated two by six floor system, Scott and his sons built the floor for their addition from the same material. Since it was only four feet by ten feet, they built it on the ground before attaching it to the existing shed with long lag bolts.

After they attached the treated plywood decking to the floor, Scott laid out and built the walls for the addition before he set them in place. Then they leveled and secured them to the floor and to the shed walls. All the rafters were also attached to a ledger board before they went up over the addition. The new roof matched the slope of the shed roof but it tied in slightly lower on the wall to simplify the building process. Flashing was added along that wall to keep the water out.

Next, the sheet siding for the addition was nailed directly to the studs to quickly enclose the space. So after some shingles and a few trim boards were added the structure was complete. To create the odd sized door Scott used some plywood with one by fours attached to the face to add extra strength and match the existing shed doors. The final touch was a ramp to allow easy access to the inside of the addition.

Joe Truini: It?s only about four feet wide, but you can see it?s plenty of space here for a power washer and a lawn mower. I love that elevated shelf. That would be dead space otherwise, way back there.

Scott Gardner: Well, and there?s just tons of little small stuff that you use around the lawn and garden all the time. And so, the great thing is it?s out of the weather.

Joe Truini: Right.

Scott Gardner: It?s safe. You can lock it up.

Joe Truini: Love that idea you put in. I like the idea that you put vents there to keep that area a little cooler.

Scott Gardner: Exactly. Well, when you store gasoline in there and that kind of thing, you don?t want all that stuff to? All those vapors to accumulate in there. And we wanted it to look good, so we set it back from the front so you couldn?t necessarily see it.

Joe Truini: Yeah. And that?s plenty deep enough. You don?t need to be any deeper than that. That gives you room for the ramp, otherwise the ramp would stick out. So it?s nice to set it back.

Scott Gardner: Exactly. And then we put a coat of paint on the thing after we got done to make it look a little better. And we still have to finish the ramp. We are going to build a ramp here?

Joe Truini: Your next project?

Scott Gardner: Yeah. To match that one that?ll be in a little bit better shape.

Joe Truini: You have a project ready to go now?

Scott Gardner: You know, I have a long list of projects I just don?t ever have the time to get to them it seems like.

Joe Truini: Yeah, I understand that.

Jason asks: Is there any advantage to painting a garage floor?

Danny Lipford: One advantage in painting a garage floor is it looks a heck of a lot better. And it?s easier to keep clean. But you have to prepare any surface you?re painting, particularly a garage floor that has oil spots all over it and probably has never really been cleaned very well. So, you need to take care of oil spots by using a de-greaser and then a masonry cleaner for the rest of the surface. You probably want to do it one day and allow let it dry over night before you apply your paint or your coating.

There?s a lot of different types of garage paints out there. Not that expensive. Fairly easy project to complete. But what I would recommend you use is an epoxy coating. And you can create a very nice non-skid surface by adding either sand or some of the decorative sprinkles so that you end up with an awesome-looking floor and one that?s a lot safer to walk on.

Danny Lipford: Storage is an important issue to almost every homeowner I?ve ever met. Whether you need to de-clutter a closet and make it more useful and attractive, add a little off-season storage up in the attic or create a place out back to park the lawn mower and other garden tools.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed this week?s show. You know the list of storage ideas and tips is endless. And we have more to share with you on our website at Now, I?m sure you have a few you can share with us. We?d love to get an email from you or join us on Facebook. I?m Danny Lipford. We?ll see you next week right here on Today?s Homeowner.


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