Saturday, April 14, 2012

The Other Sinister Plot At Groupon

groupon logoI love Silicon Valley. Love almost everything about the technology ecosystem. I grew up in New Jersey watching with extreme envy and wonderment as the ?95-01 boom-bust played out. Like most, I also share a certain reverence for Steve Jobs. Unfortunately, the Valley tends to indulge in one of the less enviable Jobsian?traits: the shithead/hero rollercoaster. People and companies are always one or the other. We glorify when it?s smooth sailing and bash mercilessly during turbulence. Groupon has taken the entire ride. From wonder boy CEO and ?fastest growing company ever? to becoming the evil company out to defraud merchants/investors. Now that I?m no longer directly affiliated with the company (other than being a locked-up shareholder), I thought it would be nice to provide a little balance. There?s plenty that?s been said on the negative side of the ledger ? no doubt inspired by a righteous desire to protect the little-guy merchant and investor and not at all fueled by a desire for twitter followers or endless TV appearances.

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