Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday Words of Wisdom ? Winter Reading Hopefuls ...

Reading has taken a back burner, since we moved into our new home a month ago.? We are still working hard on various projects for our home, but have slowed down tremendously.? I received a bookstore gift card for Christmas and finally purchased new books to read.

Here are the books I hope to delve into this winter.

The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls

This book was recommended by a friend.? It is a memoir of the author?s childhood growing up with an alcoholic father and mentally unstable mother.? The story focuses on extreme poverty, instability and neglect during the author?s childhood.? This book will not be for the faint of heart, but I enjoy reading stories of struggles and triumph.? As difficult as it may be to read, I know I will be moved and enlightened.

Your True Home by Thich Nhat Hanh

Author, Thich Nhat Hanh, is a Buddhist Vietnamese monk and peace activist.? I have read several of his books including, Peace is in Every Step.? His writing style is reader friendly for those who wish to understand more about Buddhism.? Your True Home is a 365 page, daily meditation book.? The book is designed to be read?daily and then meditate on the message.??I have already begun reading this book and enjoy it tremendously.

The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee

The Emperor of All Maladies is written, by Dr Siddhartha Mukherjee, a medical oncologist.? This book is a non-fictional account of the history of cancer.? I came across this is the bookstore and selected it because it looked interesting.?? Cancer is a word becoming a more frequently used, each year I get older.? I hope to gain valuable insight into the disease and its history.

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother by Amy Chua

Several months ago, I?overheard a group of mothers talking about this book.?? All of the moms were appalled by the parenting style of author, Amy Chua. The book is the author?s personal account of raising two daughters, in what she calls the ?Chinese Style? of parenting.? I have begun this book and find it extremely interesting.? I will be featuring Battle Hymn for a future Words of Wisdom book selection.

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can?t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

Three different magazines, all recommended this new book.? My extended family and immediate family are filled with introverts.? As a matter of fact, I consider myself an introvert too, but an outgoing one.? The book celebrates the values of an introvert, ?in a world favors extroverts.

A lot of wonderful books to read?this winter.? ?The bad news is a Southern California winter is filled with wonderful sunshine and warmth.? It will be hard for me to stay indoors and not work on my garden.

Enjoy reading.

Talk to you soon, friends.

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